Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1820

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74Tx C ONGRESS . SESS. IL CII. 691. JUNE 22, 1936 . Chemawa., Salem, Oregon : For three hundred pupils, including not to exceed $1 2000 for printing and issuing school paper, $106,500 ; for local vocational-training program directed from the school, $20,500 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, $17,000 ; in all, $144,000 : Pr ovid ed, T hat the u nexpended balance of the appro priation o f $60,000 for the fi scal y ear 1936 f or pay of superinten dent, dray age, and g eneral rep airs and improvements, including improvements to the heating system and shop facilities, is hereby continued available for the same purposes until June 30, 1937 ; Flandr eau, So uth Dak ota : For four hundred and fifty pupils, $159,750 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improvements, $16,000 ; in all, $175,750 ; Pierre, South Dakota : For three hundred pupils, $97,750 ; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improve- ments, $15,000 ; in all, $112,750 : Pr ovid ed, That not more than $ 1,000 of t he foregoi ng amount may be use d for the acquisitio n of lands adjacent to this school ; In all, for above -named non reservatio n boarding schools, not to exceed $2,606,475 : Provided, That 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available interchan geably for expenditures for similar purposes in the various boarding schools named, but not m ore than 1 0 per cent um shall b e added to the amoun t appropri ated for any one of said boarding schools or for any particular item within any boarding school . Any such in ter chan ges sh all be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . For aid to the common schools in the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Ch ickasa w, and Semin ole Na tions and the Quap aw Age ncy in Oklahoma, $397,200, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him : Provided, That this appropriation shall not be subject to the limitation in section 1 of the Act of May 25, 1918 (U . S . C ., title 25, sec. 297), limiting the expenditure of money to educate children of less than one-fourth Indian blood : Provided further, That of this appropriation not to exceed $2,500 may be expended in the printing and issuance of a paper devoted to Indian education, which paper shall be printed at an Indian school ; not to exceed $10,000 may be exp ended u nder rul es and regulati ons of the Sec retary o f the Interior, in part payment of truancy officers in any county or two or more contiguous counties where there are five hundred or more Indian children eligible to attend school, and not to exceed $10 .000 may be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior for the payment of salaries of public-school teachers, employed by the State or county, in special Indian day schools in full-blood Indian communities, where there are not adequate white day schools available for their attendance . Natives in Alaska : To enable the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion and under his direction, to provide for support and educa- tion of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and other natives of Alaska, including necessary traveling expenses of pupils to and from indus- trial boarding schools in Alaska ; purchase, repair, and rental of school buildings, including purchase of necessary lands ; textbooks and industrial apparatus ; pay and necessary traveling expenses of superintendents, teachers, physicians, and other employees ; repair, equipment, maintenance, and operation of vessels ; and all other necessary miscellan eous expen ses which are not in cluded und er the above special heads, including $338,380 for salaries, $19,500 for trav- eling expenses, $191,000 for equipment, supplies, fuel, and light, Pierre, S . Dak . 1775 Ch emawa , Salem, Oreg. Proviso . U nex pen ded ba lan ce available . Ante, p. 191 . Flandreau, S. Dak . Pro viso . Ac quis iti on of adja - cent lands . Total ; nonreserva . tion boarding schools . Proviso . Sums interchange- able. Report to Congress. Five Ci vilized Tri be s, Okla . Common schools. Provisos . Par ent age lim ita tio n not appli cable . Vol.40,p.564;U.S. C.,p. 1015. Printing, etc ., school paper . Truancy officers . Employing public- sch ool teachers where facilities inadequate . Alaska natives. Miscellaneous ex- pense s .