Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1864

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 702, 703. JUNE 22, 1936 . any Stat e or Terri tory, and to or for the benefi t of polit ical subdi vi- sions of States and Territories which have or propose to purchase or otherwise acquire projects or portions thereof devoted chiefly to the improvement of lands for agricultural purposes . Such lo ans shall be made for the purpose of enabling any such district, political subdivision, company, or associati on (hereafter referred to as the "borrower") to reduce and refinance its outstanding indebtedness incurred in connection with any su ch project ; or, wh ethe r o r no t i t has any such indebtedness, to purchase, acquire, construct, or com- plete such a project or any part thereof, or to purchase or acquire additional drainage, levee, or irrigation works, or property, rights, or appurtenances in connection therewith, and to repair, extend, or improve any such project or make such additions thereto as are consonant with or necessary or desirable for the proper functioning thereof or for the further assurance of the ability of the borrower to repay its loan : Provided, That the terms of this Act shall not permit additional or new land to be brought into production out- side of the present boundaries of any established or reorganized irrigation district ." SEC. 2 . Such section is further amended by striking out the sen- tence therein which reads as follows : "When any loan is authorized pursuant to the provisions of this section and it shall then or there- after appear that repairs and nece ssary extensions or improvements to the project of such district, political subdivision, company, or ass ociat ion a re ne cessa ry or desi rable for the p roper func tioni ng of its project or for the further assurance of its ability to repay such loan, and if it shall also appear that such repairs and necessary extensions or improvements are not designed to bring new lands into production, the Corporation, within the limitation as to total amount provided in this section, may make an additional loan or loans to such district, political subdivision, company, or association for such purpose or purposes . " Approved, June 22, 1936 . 18 19 State subdivision projects included . Purposes . Reduction and re- financing of outstand- ing indebtedness . Completion, etc ., of projects . Acquisition of addi- tional d rainage , levee , or irrigation rights, etc . Repair, extension, etc ., of projec ts . Proviso. Limitation . Additional loans for repairs . etc. ; provision repealed . Vol. 48, p. 1111. [CHAPTER 703 .] AN ACT

June 22, 1936 . Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to convey a right-of-way over certain [H. R. 10356.] l ands sit uated in Solano County, California, to the Stat e of Cal ifor nia f or [Public, No. 753 .] State highway purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled , That there is State of t o f r i r n i a y


Ea sement granted to the State of California, under such terms and way, insolanoCounty, conditions as the Se cretary of the Navy may prescribe, an easement granted ;•,forhighway highway of right-of-way for highway purposes only and for no other pur- poses, over a strip of land one hundred and fifty feet in width and lying and being seventy-five feet on either side of the center line of a certain privately operated toll road known as the Sears Point Toll Road, as said road is now laid out, used, and operated, and run ning from the Napa River i n the cou nty of S olano, St ate of California, to Sonom a Creek in said county and State . Said grant is for the purpose of permitting the State of California Purpose declared . to locate and mainta in at its expense along the route hereinbefore mentioned a free public highway, which shall be a portion of the State highway system of the State of California : Provided, how- ever, That upon abandonment of said highway by the State of Cali- fornia for the purpo ses aforesaid the easement granted to the said State of California under this Act shall cease and terminate . Proviso . Reversion ary provi- sion .