Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1866

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74r CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 705, 706. JUNE 22, 1936 .

1821 operation of any law, of the United States, to address inquiries to those on boar d, to examine the ship's documents and papers, and to examine, inspect, and search the vessel and use all necessary force to compel co mp li a nc e . When from suc h inquiries, exa mination, inspec- Ar rest of law viola- tion, or search it shall appear that a breach of the laws of the Unit ed torn . States rendering a person liable to arrest is being, or has been com- mitted, by any person, such person shall be arrested or, if escaping to shore, shall be immediately pursued and arrested on shore, or other lawful and appropriate action shall be taken ; or, if it shall appear seizure of vessel . that a breach of the laws of the United States has been committed so as to render such vessel, or the merchandise, or any part thereof, on board of, or br ought into the U nited State s by, such vesse l, li able to forfeiture, or, so as to render such vessel liable to a fine or penal ty and if necessary to secure such fine or penalty, such vessel shall be seized . SEC. 2. The officers of the United States Coast Guard, insofar as Of fice rs - deemed agents of eecutive de- they are engaged, pursuant to the authority contained in this Act, in partmenis, etc. enforcing any law of the U nited States, sha ll- (a) Be deemed to be acting as agents of the particular executive depar tmen t or inde pend ent esta blish ment cha rged with the adm inis- tration of the particular law ; and (b) Be subject to all the rules and regulations promulgated by such department or independent establishment with respect to the enforcement of that law . SEC . 3 . The foregoing provisions shall be in addition to any powers dit Provisio nvested poa- conferred by law upon such officers, and not in limitation of any ers . powers conferred by law upon such officers or any other officers of the United States . "Inland waters" con. SEC. 4 . The term "inland waters" as used in this Act shall not be strue d . construed to include harbors, bays, sounds, roadsteads, and like bodies of water along the coasts of the United States, its Territorie s, and possessions, and shores of the Great Lakes. Approved, June 22, 1936 . [CHAPTER 706 .1 AN ACT

June 22, 1936 . To amend section 8 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a National Archives [$. R. 12410 .] of th e Unit ed St ates G overn ment, and f or oth er pur poses ", app roved June 19, [Public, No.756 .] 1934 . Be i t enacted by the S enate and House of Represent atives of the National Archives . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 8 Vol . 48, p. 1123. of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a National Archives of U . s. C.,p.1784. the United States Government, and for other purposes", approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1123; U. S. C., title 40, ch. 2A, sec . 238) be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows : "The National Archives shall have an official seal, which shall II• ofscial seal ; judicial be , judicially noticed.

Furnishing of copies The Archivist of the United States may ma ke or reproduce and of documents


. furnish authenticated or unauthenticated copies of any of the docu- menta ry, phot ograp hic or o ther arch ives or recor ds i n hi s cu stody that are not exemp t fr om e xami natio n as con fiden tial or prot ected by subsisting copyright, and may charge therefor a fee sufficient to cover the cost or expenses thereof . There shall be no charge for ties, no charge Gov ernme nt ac op- for cop- the making or authentication of such copies or reproductions fur- ice furnished to. nished to any department or other agency of the Government for Authentica_ted official use. When any such copy or reproduction furnished under copie s ; admissibility the terms hereof is authenticated by the official seal of The National in evidence . Archives and certified by the Archivist of the United States, or in