Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/191

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146 M aintenance and im- provement of existing works. B ounda ry waters, survey . New Yo rk Harbor, injurious deposits . California

Dtbris Commission . Vol. 27, p. 507 . U. S. C.,p. 1484. 7 4TH CONG RESS . SESS. I. CH. 54. APRIL 9, 1935 . For the preservation and maintenance of existing river and harbor works, and for the prosecution of such projects heretofore authorized as may be most desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation ; for survey of northern and northwestern lakes and other boundary and connecti ng waters as heretofore authorized, including the preparat ion, corre ction, pri nting, and issuing o f charts a nd bulleti ns and the investigation of lake levels ; for prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New Y ork Ci ty ; for expenses of the California Debris Commission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act approved March 1, 1893 (U . S . C ., title 33, sec . 661) ; for removing sunken vessels or Remov ing sunken craft obst ructi ng or endan gering navi gation as a uthori zed b y law ; for operating and maintaining, keeping in repair, and continuing in use without interruption any lock, canal (except the Panama Canal), canalize d river or other pub lic works for the us e and bene fit of nav i- gation belonging to the United States ; for examinations, surveys, and contingencies of rivers and harbors ; and for printing, including illustrations, as may be authorized by the Committee on Printing of the House of Representatives, either during a recess or session of Co ngres s, of surve ys un der Ho use D ocumen t Num bered 308, Sixty- ninth Co ngress, fi rst sessio n, and sec tion 10 of the Flood Control A ct, approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 33, sec . 702j), and such surveys as may be printed during a recess of Congress shall be print ed, w ith i llustr ation s, as docum ents o f the next succeeding session of Congress, and for the purchase of motor-propelled passen- ger-carr ying vehic les and mo tor boats, for offic ial use, n ot to exce ed $155,150 : Provided, That no funds shall be expended for any prelim- inary ex amination, survey, p roject, or estimate not author ized by la w, $34,057, 270 : Pro vid ed further, That no appropriation under the Corps of Engineers for the fiscal year 1936 shall be available for any expenses incident to operating any power-driven boat or vessel on other than Government business : Provided further, That not to exceed $3,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall be available for the support and maintenance of the Permanent International Commission of the Congresses of Navigation and for the payment of the actual expenses of the properly accredited delegates of the United States to the meeting of the congresses and of the commission . Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries : For prosecuting work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 33, sec . 702a), and for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carry- ing v ehicles an d motor bo ats, for of ficial use , not to e xceed $45, 750, $15,0 00,000 . Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi River : For rescue work and for repair or maintenance of any flood- control work on any tributaries of the Mississippi River threatened or destroyed by flood, in accordance with section 7 of Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 33, sec . 702g), $499,400. Flood control, Sacramento River, California : For prosecuting work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act approved March 1, 1917 (U . S . C ., title 33, sec . 703), as modified b the Flood Control Act approved May 15, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 33, sec . 704), including not to exceed $1,500 for the purcha se of motor -prop elled passe nger-c arryi ng ve hicles and motor boats, for official use, $577,256 . Flood control, Lowell Creek, Alaska : For maintenance of flood- control works in accordance with the Act approved February 14, 1933 (47 Stat ., p . 802), $2,000 . vessels . Printin g . Vol. 45, p. 538. U.S.C.,p.1490. Provisos . Unauthorized proj- ects forbidden . Power-dr iven boat restriction . Permanent Inter- national Commission of the Co ngre sses of Navigation. Flood c ontrol . Mississippi River and tribu taries. Vol. 45, p. 534 ; U.S.C ., p.1488 . Emergency fund for flood control . Vol . 45, p. 537; Vol. 46,p.787 . U.S.C.,p.1489. Sac rame nto Ri ver, Calif. ; flood control . Vol. 39, p. 949; Vol. 45, p . 539. U.S.C.,p . 1491. Lo well Cree k, Alaska; flood control . Vol. 47, p . 802.