Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1951

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74TIr C ONGRESS. SESS. II. C H. 754. JU NE 24, 1936 . "No such vessel shall be operated except by a person holding an oper ator's li cense, iss ued after examinat ion by th e board o f local insp ectors an d approved by the m arine sup erintende nt or suc h other officer of the Panama Canal as may be designated by the Governor . Penalty for violation . "Any per son who a s owner, hirer, or borrower of any s uch vessel , shall cause or permit it to be operated in Canal Zone waters in viol ation of any of the requ irements of this section or of th e certif i- cate issued hereunde r, shall be liabl e to a f ine of n ot more than $10 0 : Provided, however, That this section shall not apply to public vessels of the United States or of the Republic of Panama, or to tugboats or t owboats p ropelled b y steam ." SEC . 9. That section 159 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code is amended to read as follows Small vessels not " 159 . SMALL VESSELS NOT PROPELLED BY MACHINERY ; REGISTRATION mRegistrati pe on, AND NUMBERING ; FINES.-Vessels not more than sixty-five feet in length and not propelled in whole or in part by machinery, shall be registered and numbered, and when n umb ers h ave be en assigned th ey shall be displa yed in a c onspicuou s place i n prescri bed form . Viol ations, p enalty . Any person who as owner, hirer, or borrower of any such vessel, shall cause or permit it to be operated in Canal Zone waters in vio- lation of any of the requirements of this section shall be liable to a fine of not more than $100 . Small passenger-car- SEC . 10. That section 160 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code is tying vessels . Sect ion repea led .

hereby repealed . SEC. 11 . That section 603 of title 5 of the Canal Zone Code is amended to read as follows : "603 . VAGRANTS, BEGGARS, LOITERERS, AND INTOXICATED PERSONS ; DISORDERLY CONDUCT ; BREACH OF PEACE .-EVery vagrant or person found wit hin the C anal Zone without l egitimate business or visib le means of support ; "(b ) Every mendicant or habitual beggar found within the Canal Zone ; " (c) Every person found within or loitering about any building or struc ture, or any vess el, rail road car , or sto rage yar d, witho ut due and proper authority or permission so to be ; or peddling goods or merchandise about any laborers' camp or mess house during hours when laborers are ordinarily employed at work, or in or about places where groups of men are at work ; "(d) Every person found in any public place in such a state of intoxication as to disturb others, or unable, by reason of his condi- tion to care for his own safety or of the safety of others ; and "ce) Every person who shall, in the Canal Zone, engage in any kind of disorderly conduct or breach of the peace ; "Shall be punished by a fine of not more than $25, or by imprison- ment in jail for not more than thirty days, or by both." SEC . 12 . That section 876 of title 5 of the Canal Zone Code is amended to read as follows "876 . OFFENSES AND PUNISHMENT THE REO F .-Any pe rson who " (a) Carries on or about his person any of the arms mentioned in section 871 of this title without authority under this chapter ; " (b) En gages in h unting wi thout fir st obtain ing the p ermit pro - vided for in this chapter ; or "(c) After obtaining a hunting permit, engages in hunting in vio lati on o f pr ovis ions of this cha pter or any rule or regu lati on est abli shed by the Gove rnor her eund er ; "Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and any arms carried in viola- tion of paragraph (a) of this section may be seized, and the court may order their confiscation and destruction . Penalties for viola- tions of this chapter shall be in addition to any punishment which Operator's license, is- suance, etc. Pr oviso . Exceptions . U.S.C.,p.2196. Vagrants, etc. Beggars, etc . Loiterers, etc. I ntoxi cated pers ons . Disorderly conduct, etc . Penalty for . Offenses and punish- ment thereof. Carr ying ar ms or da nger ous weap ons . Hunting without perm it . Unlawf ul hunt ing.