Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1968

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 807. JU NE 25, 1936 . and southwestern limits of the region of icebergs in the vicinity of the Grand Ban ks of Newfoundland, and the patrol shall inform trans-Atlantic and other passing vessels by radio and such other means as are available of the ice conditi ons and the exten t of the dangerous region . A service of study of ice and current conditions, a service of affording assistance to vessels and crews requiring aid, and a service of removing and destroying derelicts shall be main- tained during the ice season and any or all such services may be maintained during the remainder of the year as may be advisable, (b) The ice patrol vessels shall warn vessels known to be approaching a dangerous area and recommend safe routes . (c) T he ice patrol ves sels shall recor d the name, toget her with all the facts in the case, of any ship which is observed or known to be on other than a regular recognized or advertised ship route cross- ing the North Atlantic O cean, or to have crossed the fishi ng banks of Newfo undland north of latitude forty-t hree degrees nort h during the fish ing season, or, when proceeding t o and from ports of North America to have passed through regions known or believed to be endangered by ice . The name of any such ship and all pertinent information relating to the incident shall be reported to the govern- ment of the country to which the ship belongs, if the government of that country so requests . (d) The Commandant of the Coast Guard, under the dir ect ion of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall administer the services pro- vided for in this section and shall assign thereto such vessels, material, and personnel of the Coast Guard as may be necessary . Any executive department or agency may upon the request of the Secretary of the Treasury detail personnel, loan or contribute material or equipment, or otherwise assist in the carrying out of the services named . (e) The Commandant of the Coast Guard shall publish each year a report of the activities of the services provided for in this section, a copy of which shall be furnished to each interested foreign govern- ment and to each agency assisting in the work . NORTH ATLANTIC R07CTES SEC . 3 . (a) The owner, or operating agent, of any passenger ves- sel of the United States crossing the North Atlantic Ocean shall give public notice, in such manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, of the regular routes which he proposes such vessel will follow and of any changes made in a route, and shall require the vessel to follow the published route as far as circumstances will permit. Any passenger vessel of the United States crossing the North Atlantic Ocean shall follow, as far as circumstances will permit, the recognized ship routes; it shall avoid, as far as prac- ticable, the fishing banks of Newfoundland, north of latitude forty- three degrees north during the fishing season; and shall, as far as circumst ances will permi t, pass outside of the regions rep orted or known to be endangered by ice . (b) If the owner, or operating agent, of any such passenger vessel fails to comply with this section, he shall for each offense be liable to a fine not excee ding $100 . SEC. 4. (a) The master of every vessel of the United States, when ice is reported on or near his course, shall proceed at a moder- ate spee d or alter his c ourse so as to go well clear of th e danger zone . (b) If the master of any such ship fails to comply with this section, he shall for each offense be liable to a fine not exceeding $500 . 19 23 Information, as sist- ance, etc . warnings, etc . Record of ships on ot her than regular routes, etc. Administration by Coa st Guard . Annual reports to be published . North Atlantic ro utes . Passenger vessels . Notic e of regular routes of, to be pub- lished . Observance required . Penalty for violation . Pro ced ure wh en ice . reported . Penalty for violationƒ