Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/197

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 56, 57. APRIL 10, 11, 1935 . [CH APTER 56 .1 AN ACT April 1,, .] [S. 10,5.1

Authorizing the President to present Distinguished Flying Crosses to Air Mar- [Public, No . 31.]

shal Italo Balbo and General Aldo Pellegrini, of the Royal Italian Air Force. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Air Marshal italo Un ited States o f Americ a in Congre ss as semble d, That the Presi- Balb o and General Aldo Pellegrini .

dent i s aut horize d to presen t Dis tingui shed Flying Cros ses to Air Distinguished Crosses Flying to. Marshal Italo Balbo and General Aldo Pellegrini, of the Royal s awarded Italian Air Force, in recognition of their formation flight with twenty-four seaplanes to the United States and back to Italy, which was an event of National importance, a great aeronautical achieve- ment, and a mark of the good will between Italy and the United States . Approved, April 10, 1935 . [CHA PTER 57 .]

AN ACT April 11, 1935 . [s.404.1 To provide for the acquisition of land in the District of Columbia in excess of [Public, No . 32.]

that required for public projects and improvements, and for other purposes . Be it enact ed by the S enate and H ouse of Rep resen tative s of the Distr ict of Co lumbia . United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to Authority to acquire land, in excess of pub- pr omote the o rderl y and prope r deve lopme nt of the s eat of gove rn- vi requirements, pro- aided for. merit of the United States, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or agencies of te United States authorized by law to acquire real estate, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to acquire, in the public interest, by gift, dedication, exchange, purchase, or condemnation, fee simple title to land, or rig hts in or on land or easements or restric tions ther ein, withi n said District, for public uses, works, and improvements authorized by Congress, in excess of that actually needed for and essential to the Purpose . usefulness of such public uses, works, and improvements, in order to preserve the view, appearance, light, and air and to enhance the use- fulness of such public works and improvements to prevent the use of private property adjacent to such public works and improvements in such a manner as to impair the public benefit derived from the construction thereof, or to prevent inequities or hardship to the owners of adjacent private property by depriving them of the ben eficial us e of their property . Excess land; disposi- SEC . 2. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia or agencies Lion authorized . of the United States authorized by law to acquire real estate are further authorized, upon completion of public improvements, to sub- divide, and sell at public or private sale, or exchange, any such Reservation concern- excess land, and to carry out such purpose or purposes, to convey ing future use. any lands acquired in excess of that actually needed and which is not essenti al to the usefulness of such p ublic work s, with su ch reser- vations concerning the future use and occupation of such real estate as may in their discretion be necessary to protect such public Deposi t of receipts improvements ; and any and all moneys received from any sale or from sales. transfer of land in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States, and where the property sold was acquired under an appropriation authorized for the use of the District of Columbia, any and all moneys received from such sale shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of Provisos .

the revenues of the District of Columbia : Provided, That in the event sales . of intended of sal e as herein auth orized , not ice of not less t han t wenty days before such sale shall be published in a daily newspaper published in the Dist rict o f Col umbia, and notice by r egiste red m ail be fore such sale be mailed to the last known address of the persons listed