Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/208

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 84, 85. APRIL 25, 27, 1935.

163 to their approval . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall have full authority to designate the location and to cause such repairs or relocation of said pipe lines as the public necessity may require, any such repairs or relocation to be at the expense of the Smoot Sand and Gravel Corporation, its successors, or assigns . SEC. 3 . No permission granted or enjoyed hereunder shall vest any right, title, or interest in or to the land within the streets or reserva- tions referred to in section 1 . SEC . 4. The ri ght to alter , amen d, or repeal this Act is hereb y expressly reserved . Approved, April 25, 1935 . [C HAPT ER 85 .1 AN ACT To provide for the protection of land resources against soil erosion, and for other purposes. No p roperty rights t o vest . Amendment, etc . April 27, 1035. [n. R.7054.] (Public, No .46 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Bepresentatvves o f the United States o America in Congress assembled That it is hereby Protection of la nd f

resources against so il recognized that the wastage of soil and moisture resources on farm, erosion . grazing, and forest lands of the Nation, resulting from soil erosion, Post, p .1149 . is a menace to the national welfare and that it is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to provide permanently for the control and prevention of soil erosion and thereby to preserve natural resources, control floods, prevent impairment of reservoirs, and maintain the navigability of rivers and harbors, protect public health, public lands and relieve unemployment, and the Secretary of Agriculture, from now on, shall coordinate and direct all activities with relation to soil erosion and in order to effectuate, this policy is hereb y auth orized , from time to tim e- (1) To c onduct s urveys, investig ations, and rese arch re lating t o the Surveys and investi- gatio ns to be con- character of soil erosion and the preventive measures needed, to ducted . publish the results of any such surveys, investigations, or research, to disseminate information concerning such methods, and to conduct demonstrational projects in areas subject to erosion by wind or water ; To ca rry ou t prev entive measu res in cludin g, but not l imited Typ es of pre ventive (2)




mea sur es to be em- to, engineering operations, methods of cultivation, the growing of ployed . vegetation, and changes in use of land ; 3) To cooperate or enter into agreements with, or to furnish for Agreements, c ont rol purposes. es ( financial or other aid to, any agency, governmental or otherwise, or any person, subject to such conditions as he may deem necessary, for the purposes of this Act ; and 4) To acquire lands, or rights or interests therein, by purchase, rig hts, etc ., Ac quisit ion of when neees land s (

- gift, condemnation, or otherwise, whenever necessary for the sary. purposes of this Act . SEC . 2 . The acts autho rized in section 1 (1) and (2) may be performed- (a) On lands owned or controlled by the United States or any Protective measures on Government-owned, of its agencies, with the cooperation of the agency having jurisdic- etc.,lands. Lion thereof ; and (b) On any other lands, upon obtaining proper consent or the other lands . necessary rights or interests in such lands . Conditions to ex- SEC . 3 . As a condition to the extending of any benefits under this tending benefits . Act to any lands not owned or controlled by the United States or any of its agencies, the Secretary of Agriculture may, insofar as he may de em nec essary for t he pur poses of thi s Act, requi re- (1) Th e enac tment and re asonab le saf eguard s for the en forcem ent pre en ir e re stric tions for of State and local laws imposing suitable permanent restrictions on