Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2110

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· XXIV INDEX. Board of Governors of the Federal Re- Page. serve System. See Fcderal Reserve Board. Board of Review, establishment of, in Treasury Department for reviewing claims for refunds of processing taxes _______________________ . _ ___ 1748 Board of Tax Appeals, appropriation for _ 7, 1169 Boca Chica, Tex., bridge authorized across RioGrandeat- __ _____________ ____ 323 Boiler Inspection Act, D. C. See District of Columbia. Bois De Sioux River, S. Dak., flood- control projects authorized_ ________ 1582 Boise Irrigation Project, Idaho, appropri- ation for_________________ 198, 1782, 1784 Bolger, Elizabeth, payment to__________ 54 Bolivar Point Lighthouse Reservation, Tex., transfer of, to War Depart- IDent____________________________ 309 Bolivia, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc. , to _________________ 69,1311 Bonded Merchandise, intraport IDove- IDent between New York, Newark, and Perth AIDboy by bonded cart- IDen,etc _________________________ 1538 Bonds and Notes. See also Second Liberty Bond Act, AmendInents. Acceptance as security _ __ _ __________ 22 Bon Secours Bay, Ala., examination of waterway to Gulf of Mexico author- ized_____________________________ 1044 Bookkeeping and Warrants, Division of. See Treasury DepartIDent. Boston Canal, La., exaIDination author- ized_____________________________ 1045 Boston, Mass.: Appropriation for- Hydrographic office expenses ____ 421,1420 Navy Yard, iruprovements_________ 413 PneuIDatic tube service__________ 241, 1852 Harbor exaIDination and iIDproveIDent authorized _________________ 1029,1041 Navy Yard, Marine Barracks construc- tion authorized_________________ 155 Botanic Garden. See Legislative Branch of the GovernIDent. Botany, appropriation for investigation, etc., wild plants and grazing lands_ 259, 1434 Boulder Canyon: Appropriation for- Continuing dam construction, etc_ 597, 1784 Diversion dam and main canal (All- American Canal), construction_ _ 1785 RecMational activities of project, ad- IDinistration of. __ _____ _______ 1794 Boundary Commissions. See Interna- tional Boundary Commissions. Boxer Rebellion Veterans, reenactment of laws granting pensions to________ 614 Boy Scout Jamboree: Page. Loan of Army, Navy, etc., cquipment foruseat ____________________ 105,1165 Permits for use of public spaces, etc.; conditions __________________ 443,1166 Temporary entry into Cnited States of alien participants ____________ 387, l167 Boy Scouts of America, disposal of obso- letc, etc., Coast Guard property to__ 11£j Bragaduce River, Maine, examination authorized________________________ 1040 Braman Reservoir, Okla., examination authorized________________________ 1596 Bramble, Walter S., payment to_______ 1647 Brazil: Appropriation for- Ambassador to _________________ 69,1311 Rio de Janeiro, diplomatic, etc., buildings aL_________________ 598 Brazos Island Harbor, Tex., improve- IDent authorized________ ___________ 1034 Bremerton, Wash.: Site, etc., for post office_______________ 1639 Transfer of. _ _ __ _ ___________________ 232 Transfer of Government property to Navy DepartIDent_ ___ _______ __ _ 1639 Brewers, tax on, etc. See Liquor Tax Ad- ministration Act. Brewton, Ala., flood-control project au- thorized___ .. _ ____ ___ _ __ __ _________ 1575 Bribery. See District of Columbia. Bridgeport, Conn.: Coinage to commemorate anniversary of incorporation, authorized_ _____ 1277 Harbor examination authorized_ _ _____ 1041 Bridgeport Irrigation District, contract with, for granting permanent water right, authorized; terms____________ 1897 Bridges: Alabama State Bridge Corporation, period extended for charging tolls on certain bridges constructed by _ 1542 Construction of, authorized across- Allegheny River, at- East Brady, Pa_________________ 910 Emlenton, Pa__________________ 910 Ford City, Pa__________________ 907 Port Allegheny, Pa______________ 905 Tionesta, Pa_ _ _________________ 910 Arkansas River, at Keota, Okla_____ 25 Black River, at Poplar Bluff, Mo_ __ 905 Chesapeake Bay, between BaltiIDore and Kent Counties, Md_ ______ 1537 Colorado River, at Parker, Ariz____ 1071 Connecticut River, at- Deerfield-Sunderland, Mass _____ . 1200 Gill-Montague, Mass____________ 12CO Holyoke-South Hadley, 1\1ass_____ 1200 Middletown, Conn_ _____________ 655 Montague-Greenfield, Mass______ 1200