Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2118

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XXXII INDEX. Cibola National Forest, N. Mex., land Page. transferred as addition to Zuni Indian Reservation_ _____________________ 393 Cimarron River, Okla., examination au- thorized_ ________________________ 1596 Cincinitati, Ohio, coinage to commemorate anniversary as a center of music____ 1187 Circuit Courts of Appeals. See 'United States Courts. Citizens, travel restrictions under Neu- trality Act_ ______________________ 1084 Citizenship and Naturalization: Alien seamen declarants, deemed citi- zens for purposes of protection, provision repealed_ _____________ 376 Restrictions on employment on sub- sidized vessels_ _______________ 1993 Alien veterans of WorId War residing in United States- Naturalization of certain; conditions specified_____________________ 397 Certificates of citizenship, etc., va- lidity; lost certificates_ _ _ ____ 398 Requirement of fees waived______ 398 Time for naturalization extended; residence, good behavior pro- vi~on_______________________ 395 Rules, etc., to be prescribed______ 395 Service in allied forces___________ 395 Officers and crew, subsidized vessels, citizenship requirements. See Sea- men. Residence requirements; continuity deemed unbroken if engaged in certain employment outside United States_________________________ 1925 Women, native-born, repatriation of certain, who married aliens prior to Sept. 22 , 1922__________________ 1917 Citizens' Military Training Camps. See also War Department. Care and treatment of members in- jured, etc., while in training_____ 1508 Citrus-Canker Eradication, appropriation for ___________________________ 266, 1442 Civilian Conservation Corps: Appropriation for- Employees' compensation fund_ ___ 9, 1171 Payment of damage claims arising from activities oL____________ 1134 Blood transfusions, payment for_ _____ 1601 Limitation on amount for work relief projects_____ _____ _____ _____ ____ 115 Term construed_____________________ 596 Civil Service Commission: Appropriation for ______________ 7,573,1111 Retirement and disability funds_ _ _ 8 , 1170 Deficiency appropriation for audited claims_ ______________ __________ 1131 Civil Service Commission-Continued. Page. Alaska Railroad, retirement of certam employees; administration, etc., of Actby _________________________ 2017 Internal Revenue, Bureau of, rein- statement of certain employees upon examination by _ __________ 224 Official Register, annual pUblication; contents; distribution_ __________ 956 Overtime report to be submitted by, to Congress____________________ 1161 Retirement of certain officers and em- ployees who reached retirement age before August 1, 1932; pay- ments authorized_______________ 941 Civil Service Retirement Fund, appro- priation for _____________________ 8,1170 Civil Works Administration: . \ppropriation for employees' compen- sation fund ___________________ H ,l171 Deficiency appropriation for damage claims _________ 59,601,1126,1127,1642 JUdgments, payment oL___________ 1642 Cnexpended balances available for work relieL____________________ 115 Clackamas County, Oreg., conveyance of public lands to, for park purposes_ _ 1369 Clackamas River, Oreg., flood-control projects authorized __ ____________ _ 1591 Claiborne, Cornelia, payment to_________ 56 Claims. See Audited Claims; Damage Claims. Claims, Court of. See Justice, Depart- ment of; United States Courts. Clark HiD Reservoir, Ga., continuation of survey___________________________ 1596 Clarkston, Wash., bridge authorized across Snake River between Lewis- ton, Idaho, and___________________ 21 ClarksriDe, Ark., flood-control project au- thorized____ .. ________ ________ _ ___ 1578 Classiftcation Act J)f 1923, Amendment, Custodial Service; charwomen, pay- men' of____ --- - - --_ __ ___ _______ __ 724 Clear Creek and Clear Lake, Tex., im- provement authorized_ ____________ 1034 Clear Lake Watershed, Calif., investiga- tion of violation of Federal water rights; report to COngress__________ 1975 Funds available_____ ________________ 1976 Clearwater Harbor, Fla., examination au- tho~d_________________________ 1044 Clerk Hire: Appropriation for- Foreign Service_________________ 71, 1313 Members of COngress_ 461 ,466 , 1216, 1222 Deficiency appropriation for Members of Congress_ _ __________________ 1110 Cleveland, Grover, erection of monument to, in District of Columbia_ ________ 424