Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2120

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· XXXiV INDEX. Cohasset, Mass., conveyance of portion Puge. of Minots Ledge (Shore) Lighthollse Reservation to____________________ 306 Cohasset, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River aL _____________ _ Coins and Coinage: Albany, N. Y ., coinage to commemo- rate anniversary of founding ____ _ Arkansas Centennial, change in design of commemorative coins _______ -_ Battle of Gettysburg, coinage to com- memorate seventy-fifth anniver- saryof _______________________ _ Bridgeport, Conn., coinage to com- memorate anniversary of incorpo- ration ________________________ _ Cabeza de Vaca Expedition and open- ing of Old Spanish Trail, coinage to commemorate _______________ _ California-Pacific International Expo- sition, coinage of 50-cent pieces __ Recoinage authorized____________ _ Cincinnati, Ohio, coinage to commemo- rate annh-ersary as center of music_ Columbia, S. C., coinage to commemo- rate founding oL ______________ _ Daniel Boone Bicentennial, supple- menting design of coinage com- memorating ___________________ _ Delaware, three hundredth anniversary of landing of Swedes in, coinage of 50-f!ent pieces _________________ _ Elgin, 111., coinage to commemorate an- niversary of founding ___________ _ Great Lakes Exposition, coinage of 50-cent pieces _________________ _ Hudson, N. Y ., coinage to commemo- rate anniversary of founding _____ _ Long Island, N. Y ., coinage to com- memorate anniversary of founding of first settlement on ___________ _ Lynchburg, Va., coinage of 50-cent pieces to commemorate anniver- sary of issuance of charter_______ _ New Rochelle, N. Y., coinage to com- memorate foundi_.g ___ _____ ____ _ Providence, R. I., coinage to commemo- rate anniversary of founding ____ _ Roanoke Colony, N. C., coinage to commemorate anniversary of ____ _ San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, coinage to celebrate opening _____ _ Wisconsin Centennial Celebration, coin- age to commemorate anniversary of establishment of Territorial Gov- ernment ______________________ _ York County, Maine, coinage to com- memorate fOUlldillg ____________ _ 288 1522 1981 1524 1277 324 174 1262 1187 1165 868 13;;2 1523 1257 165 1205 1387 12.59 165 1911 1972 1276 1973 Coins and Currencies, exchange of, for Page. other legal tender _________________ 938 Collector of Internal Revenue. See I n- ternal Revenue, Bureau of. Colleges, land-grant, appropriation for benefit oL ____________________ 43'9,1426 Colombia, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to _____________ 69 .1311 Colonial National Monument, Va., lands addedto_________________________ 1483 Name changed to "Colonial National Historical Park" ________________ 1483 Colon, C. Z., appropriation for water- works, etc_ _______________________ 148 Colorado: Appropriation for- Grand Valley pl'oject______________ li84 Indians, support, etc., oL __________ 186, 192,194,1768,1776 Mesa Verde National Park, adminis- tratiulJ, etc ___________ 207 ,1622, li93 National forest administration ___ 26a, 143i PineRiverproject- _ ______________ 1i84 Rocky Mountain National Park, administration, cte _________ 20K, 1i9a Flood-control project alit horizP( 1_ _ __ __ 1 . -) ii Int.erstate oil amI gas {'ompaet, eunscnt of Congress granted to___ ________ 939 Preliminary examinations ofrh'ers , etc., authorized _ _ _______________ 1594, 1595 Purgatoire and Apishapa Rh'ers, exam- ination of, authorized_ ___________ 442 Rio Grande compact, consent of Con- gress gi\'E~1l to extension of _ _ ____ _ 32;i Colorado River: Appropriation for Boulder Canyon dam; continuing construction, etc_____ - - __________________ 597. 1i~4 Bridge authorized across, at Parker, Ariz ___________________________ 1071 Equitable use of .vaters of. See Inter- national Boundary Commission, United States alld Mexico. Examination allt!lorized _ _ _ __________ 1593 Head Gate Rock, Ariz., dam, etc., con- struction authorized_ ____________ 1040 Parker Dam project authorized _______ 1040 Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for irrigation____ __ 18i, 1769 Color Investigations, appropriation for _ _ _ 265 Colt's Patent Firtl Arms Manufacturing Company. payment to_ ___________ 58, 5n5 Columbia Hospital and Lying-in Asylum, D. C., appropriation for _________ 365,1879 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, D. C. ~ Appropriation for ____ 216,354,577,585, 11 '102 Beneficiaries, increase in number ______ 3tH Columbia, La., flood-control project au- thorized__________ .• _____ _________ 15i6