Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2164

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lxxviii INDEX. Independent Offices-Continued. Page. I Appropriation for-Continued. Foreign currency appreciation losses of officers, etc., in foreign couu- tries_______________________ 14, 1173 General Accounting Office ________ 11,1173 Interstate Commerce Commissiou_ 11, 1173 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ________________ 13,1176 National Archivcs_____ ____________ 1176 National Capital Park and Planning Commission_ _________________ 1177 National Labor Relations Board_ _ __ 1177 National Mediation Board _______ 13, 1177 National Railroad Adjustment Board_______________________ 1178 Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Com- mission______________________ 14 Railroad Retirement Board_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1178 Securities and Exchange Commis- ~on _______________________ 1~ 1178 Smithsonian Institution____ __ _ _ _ _ 15, 1179 National Gallery of Art, D. C__ _ _ 1180 National Museum, D. C ______ ___ 1179 Tariff Commission ______________ 16,1180 Veterans' Administration_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16, 1180 Deficiency appropriation for- Arkansas Centennial Commission _ _ _ 1600 Audited claims __ 603,605,1128,1643,1646 California Pacific International Ex- position______________________ 1110 Central Statistical Board_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1110 Civil Service Commission _ __ _ _ _ _ 573, 1111 Constitution Sesquicentennial Com- mission______________________ 1112 DamafZ;e claims___________________ 601 District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Authority_________________ 573,1601 Emergency Consen·ation Work_ _ _ _ _ 1601 Employees' Compensation COllunis- sion_ _____________________ 573, 1601 Executive Office _______________ 572,1600 Executive Mansion and Grounds, maintenance,__ ___________ __ 1600 Protection of U. S. interests in matters affecting oil lands in former naval reserves _____ 572, 1600 Study of Executive Agencies_ _ __ _ _ 1600 Federal Communications Commis- sion_________________________ 1601 FederalPowerCommission_________ 1111 Federal Trade Commission_ 573, 1111, 1602 G(meral Accounting Office_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1602 George Rogers Clark Sesquiccnten- nial Commission___________ 573, 1112 George Washington Bicenteunial Commissioll__________________ 573 Harvard University Tercentenary Commission_________________ __ 1608 Interstate Commerce Commissiou_ __ 1112 Independent Offices-Continucd. Page. Deficiency appropriation for-Continued. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics _______________ 574, 1602 National Capital Park and Planuing CommissiOlL ______ . _ ____ __ 574, 1602 National Labor Relations Hoard 1112, 1603 National Mediation Board_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hi03 National Railroad Adjustment Board ____________________ 574,1603 Northwest Territory Celebration Commission__ __ ____ ______ __ __ 1603 Patrick Henry BicentenniaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1600 Paymcnt to officers, etc., of l-nited States in foreign count ries due to appreciation of foreign cur- rencies_ ______________________ 574 Petroleum AdministratiOlL __ ______ 574 Railroad Rrtircmcnt Board 575,1112,1603 L. l\1. Eddy, payment to_ ________ 1113 Railroad Retirement Inycstigation Commission __________________ 1113 Rural Electrification AdministrutiOlL 1604 Securities and Exchange Commission 1113 Smithsonian Iustitution___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1604 SociaISecnrityBoard __________ 1113 .1604 Tariff Commission _____________ 575, Hi07 Tennessee Valley Authority _____ 596 , 1607 Texas Centennial Expositioll_______ 575 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Com- mission ___________________ 576,1607 Vetcrans' Administration _______ 597, 1114 Hospital and domiciliary facilities_ 597 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1934, Amendment, time for modifica- tion or cancelation of contraetf! ex- tended___________________________ 161 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935, Amendment, adjustment of hours, etc., of employees engaged in the trades and those whose pay is fixcd under Classification AcL _ _ __ _ _ 1969 Independent Offices Appropriation Acts, 1936, 1937. See Independent Offi('es. Indiana: Appropriation for national forest. administratiOlL ______________ 2ti3, 1438 Bridge authorized aeross- Ohio RiYer, at Cannelton _______ 10G5,1103 Wabash River, at La Fayette________ 37 Flood-control, ctc., compacts, ClllIsent of Congress grailted to_ __________ 1490 Flood-control projects author:ze(L ____ 1585, 15SH, 1587 Issue of duplicate checks to treasurer of, in li('u oflostorigiuals____________ 866 Nortll\H'st Territory Celt'bration COlll- mission to cooperate with State of _ 511 Ri'-er and harbor improvemellts author- izcd___________________________ 1036