Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2169

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I:NDEX. lxxxiii Interior, Department of-Continued. I Page. I Division of Territories and Island Pos- 8essiolls; functions, etc., of Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Commis- sion transferred to _____________ _ Elks, Order of, permits to use parks, etc., D. C., during session of ____ _ Federal :Power Act; lands open to loca- tion, entry, etc ________________ _ Field work appropriations available for hire of work animals, vehicles, etc_ General Land Office, payment of cer- tain salaries authorized; funds a vailable _________________ - - - - - - Gra;,.ing districts. See Public Lands. Hawaii. See Hawaii; Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920. Indian Arts awl Crafts Board, creation; membership, etc.; functions and dllties ________________________ _ Appropriations authorized for ex- J656847 216, 1803 1973 891 penses_ __ _ ___ __________ ___ ___ 892 Penalty provisions; enforcemenL _ 892,893 Indian ('hartered corporations, estab- lishment of revolving fund _____ 182, 185 I Ildian irrigation projects, inve"tigation and adjustment of charges on non- Indian lands within_____________ 1803 IJldians. See Indians. Irrigation projects, relief to water users OIL _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 337 Lincoln County, Wyo., timber available to citizens of Bear Lake County, loaho_________________________ 665 Los Angeles, CaliL, sale of certain pub- lic lands to, directed____ _ ________ 1892 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy Dis- trict, N. Mex., agreement for main- tenance on newly reclaimed Indian la.nds_ _ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _ 887 Migratory bird, etc., r efuges, land ex- changes________________________ 382 Mines, Bureau of, availability of appro- priat.ions for traveling expenses for transportation of household effects on s1.ation transfer ______ .. _______ 1622 Minerals Division activities, Commerce Depnrtment, transferred to Bureau of M ines_ __ __ _____________ _____ 205 Minnesottl., conveyance of certain land to_____________________________ 1937 Mount Rushmore National Memorial, S. Dak., su:" authorized for C01l1- pletion; contracts for ________ ____ 9(i2 National Bituminous Coal Commission, (~stablishment, etc ___________ . ___ 992 Consumers' Counsel, creation of of- fice; duties, etc_ _ _ ________ _ ___ 993 Interior, Department of-Continued. l'age. National forests.. Sec National Forests.

\" ationul monuments. See National


N ational parks. See National Parks;

National Park Service. Oil and gas deposits, prospecting per- mits and leases. See Mineral Lands and Mining. Oregon, sale of ·certain public lands in; deposit of proceeds_ __ ____ ___ ____ 1972 Orland reclamation project, Calif., amendatory contracts with water users for p{~yment of construction, operation, etc., charges, author- ized ______ . . ____________________ 1907 Classification of lands; release of un- producth-e lands________ ______ 1907 Appropriat ion from reclamation fund for classification, etc__ __ 1908 Orland Uuit Waters Users' Associa- tion, modification of contract with, authorized______________ 1909 Rules and regulations______________ 1909 I~ark, parkway, and recreational-area programs, study by National Park Service directed _________________ 1894 Assistance in planning, etc., to States_ 1R94 "State" construed_____ __ _ ___ _ _ __ lSH5 Pensacola, Fla., authority to make quitclaim deeds to holders of cer- tain lots extended; fees___________ 1482 Public lands. See Public Lands. Public school improvements, etc., sums authorized· - Big Horn County, MonL_ ________ _ 333 Blaine County, Mont______________ 333 Brockton, Mont___________________ 328 Cannon Ball School District, Sioux County, N. DaL _____________ 1013 Covelo, CaliL ______ ______ ________ 331 Fort Yates School District, N. Dak_ 1014 Glacier County, MonL____________ 327 Hays, l\lonL_____________________ 1274 Lake and Missoula Counties, Mont_ 328 Marysville School District, WasiL __ 329 Pine Ridge, S . Dak ______________ 331 , 1773 Polson, MonL____________________ 328 Poplar, Mont_____________________ 329 Queets, Wash______ _________ _ ___ __ 330 Sten"ns County, WasIL____________ 1273 White Swan School District, Wash__ 330 ',,"olf Point, MonL________________ 327 Public works. &e })ublic Works. Pueblo Indian land grants; payments to non-Indian claimants_________ 800,1459 Puerto Ricall Hurricane Relief, sum availahle for administrative ex- penses in eollcctioa of loans, etc_ _ 1801