Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2177

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INDEX. . XCi Justice, Dellartment of-Continued. Page. Deficiency appropriation for- Attorncy General, Office of. _ 52, 1120 , 1624 Audited claims _______________ 62,65,604, 605, 1128, 1130 , 1131 , 1133 , 1644 , 1646 Contingent expenses ________ 52,585,1624 Courts, United States- Fees of marshals, attorneys, com- missioners, clerks, jurors, wit- 1Iesses_52 , 586 ,1120,1236 ,1625,1626 Judg<'s, salaries and expenses_____ 1625 Misct'llaneous expenscs_ _ ________ 1626 Payment to special assistants, case cf U. S. v. Pan American Petroleum Co_ _____ ___ _____ _ 586 Rent of court rooms_____________ 587 Supplies _________________ 53,587,1626 Supreme Court, United States_ 586, 1625 Unitei States Court for China___ 1625 Custom:,cases, conduct of. __ ______ 1624 DamagE claims ________ 59,601,1127,1624 Fareira, Elinora, payment to_ _ _ _ ___ 1624 Investigation, Bureau of. __ __ __ __ 52, 1624 Damage claims_________________ 1624 Penal aud correctional institutions_ _ 53, 587, 1120, 1626 Buildings and equipment- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 587 Land acquisition, McNeil, Ger- trudis, and Pitt Islands, Wash_____________________ 1120 National Training School for Boys, D. C________________ 1626 Prisoners, support of. __ __ __ __ 587,1626 Printiug and binding ___________ 585,1624 Rules in actions at law, preparation oL ________________________ 52, 1625 TaxesaudPenaltiesUnit- ___ ______ 1624 U. S . \,.~Torthern Pacific Railway Co., prosecution expenses ____ _ _____ 1624 Agriculture investigation by Federal Trade Commission, cooperation by _ Exemption from limitation on counsel- Proceedings pertaining to tax lia- 931 bility of Associated Gas and Elcctric Co., etc______________ 1820 Farmers' Loan and Trust Company v. Frank C. Bowers _____________ _ 962 The Sugar Institute, Inc. v . U . S ., and certain land litigation, N. C _ 1513 War Risk Insurance litigation, em- ployment of Clarence C. Cal- houn________________________ 1164 Fedcral Bureau of Investigation, ad- justrm'nt of claims arising out of activities of, authorized _________ _ Director,. salary of. ______________ _ Purchas(', etc., of automobilc ______ _ Rctireuwnt privilege extended to Di- reetor, Assistant, inspectors, and 1184 1484 586 special agents_ ___ ___ _______ ___ 1888 Justice, Department oC-Continued. Federal prisoners, penalties for escapes or attempts to cscape___________ _

\larshals, Lnited States Courts, duties;

power to arrest without warrant __ l\IcNcil, Gcrtrudis, and Pitt Islands. Wash., acquisition oL __________ _ Officer of, to be member of Adminis- trative Committee under Federal Register Act __________________ _ Special assistants, etc., to the Attorney General, restriction on payment ex- cept to licensed attorneys _______ _ Tlingit and Haida Indians, Alaska. suits authorized to settle claims __ _ Notice to Attorney Gcneral, etc ___ _ Transfer of appropriations, restriction_ Unitcd Statcs Court for China, living quarters, ctc __________________ _ L nitcd States Courts- Property sales under orders or de- crees of _____________________ _ Sales by receivers, etc., of banks, exception _________________ _ K Kake Harbor, Alaska, examination au- l'age. 513 377 508 501 1326 388 390 1328 586 159 390 thorized_ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ __ __ __ ____ _ 1047 Kanawha River, improvement authorizcd_ 1035 Kankakee River, Ind., flood-control proj- ects authorized_ ____ ___ _ __ ___ ____ __ 1585 Kanosh Indians. Utah, land reserved for use of____________________________ 393 Kansas: Appropriation for support, etc., of Indians _____________________ 190,1774 Flood-control projccts authorized_ _ ___ 1578, 1579. 1588 Interstate oil and gas compact, consent of Congress granted to_ __________ 939 Prelininary examination authorized of- Marais dcs Cygnes River _ ___ ___ __ _ 1259 Rivers, \'arious_ _ __ _ ______________ 1594 Kansas City, Kans., flood-control project authorized.. _ ____ __ _____ _____ _____ 1588 Kansas City, Mo., flood-control project authorized_ ____________ ___ __ __ __ _ 1588 Kansas River: Examination authorized _________ 1193,1594 Flood-control projects authorized _ __ __ 15S8 Kapok Oil, tax on_____________________ 1742 Kaskaskia Island, Ill . , bridge authorized across Mississippi River at_________ 323 Kaunakakai Harbor, Hawaii, improve- ment authorized_ ______________ ___ 1039 Kaw, Okla., flood-control project au- thorized_ _ ____ _________ ____ _____ _ 1577 Keaton Beach and Harbor, Fla., examina- tion authorized_ ______ _____ __ __ ___ 1044