Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2193

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INDEX. .. eVil Milwaukt!e Harbor, Wis., improvement Page. auth9rized_______ __ ______ __ __ _____ 1036 Mineral Act of October 5, 1918. payment of cla'.im for operations under _______ 61 Mineral (Industries, appropriation for inquiries, etc., economics oL _____ 204,17S9 Minerallrands and Mining: Oil and: gas prospcetillg permits, grant- ingi of; term and ('olltiitiuns, etc_ __ 674 Issue: of new leases; validity of prior l~ermits, etc _ _ _____ __ _________ 679 Lcascis of known deposits; conditiom;; t\erms; existing leascs; re8en-a - tjions ______________________ 676, 677 Ca~celation provisions_ ________ _ _ 678 Corpensation :or drainage; 1'0)"- i a,lty reductlOll______________ 678 Lcascis; terms, etc.; surveys _ _ _ ______ 676 Nanl~ oil reserves, etc., not affected_ 679 Righ1[s-of-way for pipe lines, granting (~f; conditions_________________ 678 Minerall\~ining Investigations. appropria- tion flor _______________________ 203,1789 Mines ar;fd Mining, aUllual assessment work j on mining daillls held in l-nitEid States,1:5Ilspellsion _______ 337,1238 ~Ii!les, Bttreau of. SfC al.'o Interior, Dc- partll~cnt of. Coopcr:~tion with National Bituminous Co:~l Commission in inYcsti!!:atiolls_ 1007 Field dl'~tai1s, temporary, for sen-icc ill Di~itrict of ColulUbia _______ - _ 20;'), 1791 ~lineralr. Didsion actidties, COIl1- me:!'ce Department, transferred to_ 205 Public 1ilealth SEn'ice details ______ 205, 1791 Scientifi\c investigations for depart- me;ltS, etc__________________ 205, 1790 l:lub-bitli,uninous aud lignite coal, stud- ies,iexperiments, etc., by, directed_ 1275 Appr(~priation authorized ____. _. .. __ 1275 Testing ~uel-burllillg cquipmeut uscd by dCJ:rrtmcuts,etc----------. - - 203, 1788 Minidoka Irrigation Project, Idaho, ap- propr ation for _________________ 198, 17S2 Mining E periment Stations, appropria- tion fIJr _______________________ 204,1789 Mining Il)dustries. loans to. by Recoll- strUl'1]iull Finance Curporatioll______ 5 Minnesot~, : Appropljiation for- Chipr~cwa Indians, payment for land . s ~t aside for _ _ __ ___ ____________ 17(j,j IndI8:!)8, support, etc" of _ _ _ _ ____ __ 190, i 193. 194, 1773, 1774, 1776, 1777, 1778,nal forest admiuistratioll ___ 21i3. H3S Bridge n,uthorizcd acrOS8- l\Iissh:isippi River, Cohasset-Decr F~yer____ __ _ 2S8 St. Croix Rin:r, ut lfudsOIl, Wis_ ____ 1071 Minnesota-Continued. Chippewa Indians, appropriation au- thorizcd, payment for lands ______ _ Loan to Cooperative Marketing As- sociatiolL ___________________ _ Paymcllt to enrolled members of Red I,ake Band ______________ _ Conveyance of c!'rtain land to ________ _ District judgeship, filling vacancy ____ _ Flood-control projects [I uthorized _____ _ Lake of the Woods and Rainy River protective works and measures, stun for _______________________ _ Natiollal Forest Reserve, lands !:let aside for use of Chippewa Indians __ X orthwest Territory Celebration Com- mission to cooperate with State of_ Preliminary examinations of rivers, otl'., authorized ___________________ . Rh'er and harbor improvements au- l'age. 321 1154 4-14 1937 ti59 1583 595 312 511 1;')94 thorizl'cL _____ . ___________ 1034,1035 Time extelHkd for brid!!:ing- Rainy River, at Baudette_ ___ ____ __ 322 Red RiYcr,, K. Dak ______________________ 53~ 1477 Wild Ril'e Luke Indian Rcserye, de- scription; establishmellt of addi- tional reserves; administration, ctc_ _ _ ____ ________ __ ____ _____ 49ti, 497 Minnesota River. examination authorized_ 15H4 Flood-control projects authorized__ __ _ 1583 Minots Ledge (Shore) Lighthouse Reser- vation, eonyeyanre of portion of, to Cohasset, l\Iass___________________ aO() Mint, Bureau of the. See Treasury De- partment. Mississippi: Appropriation for- Ackia Battlefield National MODU- ll1pnt, administration, etc____ __ _ 1G23 Indiuns, support, etc., of _ _ _ _ ___ _ 193, 177ti National forest administration ___ 263,1438 Ackia, establishment of memorial com- mission; selection of site of national monument _ _______ _____ _ _______ 897 Bridge aut horizcd aeross- Mississippi Rh-er, at 1'\atchez______ lOon l'aseagoula Rh'er , at 'Yilkerson's I·'crry _____________ ________ ___ 13n5 Pearl River, at Monticello_ _ _ ______ 1255 Columbus, acqui:,;it ion of site for post offiee at _______ ____ _____________ H26 Floocl-f'ontrol projects authorized_ 1575, 157li Forest rescn'at ion lnnds, transfer of ___ 37 RiYer and harbor improvcments au- t huri"ed _______________________ 1033 Prclillli nary examinations authorized of- ('hieka~:Lwha River_____________ 1200 Ri\'cr~, various _____________ 1045. 1!'ifl3