Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2198

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eXll INDEX. National Forests-Continued. Rogue River, Oreg., lands added to; cutting of mercha.ntable timber on revested lands; deposit of receipts_ Sania Barbara, Calif., portion with- drawn from location and entry under mining laws ______________ _ Restoration by Executhoe order ____ _ Siskiyou, Oreg., addition to __________ _ Timber sale contracts, adjustment authorized _____________________ _ Uinta and Wasatch, Utah, control of soil erosion and flood damage itL _ Acquisition of land for, appropria- tion fOL ____________________ _ Umatilla and Whitma.n, exchange of land for inclusion within, author- ized _________________________ _ Willanlette, exchange and addition of lands _________________________ _ National Gallery of Art, D. C., appropri.1 - Page. 1460 1234 1235 338 158 866 1440 1534 338 tion for_______ __ __ _________ ___ _ 15, 1180 National Guard. See also National De- fense Act, Amendmcnts. Care and treatment of members injured or contracting discase while en- gaged in training________________ 1507 National Guard Bureau. See War De- partment. National Housing Act, Amendments: Bankruptcy Act, amendment; exemp- tion of creditors of corporation un- der insured pursuant to_ 664 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation- Admission fee charged applicant for insurance ___________________ _ Expenditure of funds _____________ _ Franking privilcge _______________ _ Insurance of financial institutions; pro- 298 298 298 visions govcrning _____________ 299, 722 Flood damage rcpairs, loans for _____ 1233 Application of accumulated reserve !olosses_ - - - - t----- -- ----- Maxlmum amounk:r ___________ _ Qualifications for loans _________ _ Insured institutions in default, liqui- dation oL ___________________ _ Loans to; amount limited _______ _ Renovation, etc., loans ____________ _ Conditions prescribed __________ _ Disposal of acquired property ___ _ Limit on amount authorized to be incurred by Administrator __ _ Limit on amount to any institutiOlL Time extended ________________ _ Transfer of insurance ___________ _ Waiver of regUlations by Adminis- trator authorized ____________ _ 1233 1233 1234 299 299 1188 1188 1188 1188, 1234 1188 1187 1188 1234 National Housing Act, Amendmentb-- Continued. Limit on aggregate principal obliga- t io ns _________________________ _ Loans to financial institutiolls, provi- sions rcpeule(L ________________ _ Loans to mortgage associatiun:; orgrl.Il- ized under ____________________ _ Low-cost housing insurancc; aggregate anlount_______________________ _ 1vlortgages, insurance of, premiulll chargcs _______________________ _ Determination of value oL ________ _ National mortgage assuciatiolls- Capital sto~k rcducccL ___________ _ Obligations, issue, etc.; borrowing re- stricted _____________________ _ Obligations insured by Fl'dcral Hou:;ing Administrator _________________ _ Premiulll on immran('c, allluunt; cred- it allowed ___________________ _ Time extended fur building up re- serve on insured account:;; divi- dend paymcnts ______________ _ Suits by and against Admini:;trator ___ _ National Industrial Recovery Act. Amend- ments. See also National Recovery Administration. 722 1188 3 722 299 300 300 300 709 298 298 7 ·)') -~ Provisions extended to April 1, 193'L__ 375 Antitrust laws exemption lllO<iifiecL_ 375 Code provisions rcpealed _____ _____ _ 375 Unexpended balances available for wOl'k relieL ___ ______ ___ __ __ ____ 115 National Institute of Health, appropria- tion for maintenancc ___________ 228,1839 National Labor Board: Air mail contractors, compensation rates, labor conditions under; col- lective bargaining_______________ 618 National Labor Relations Act: Findings and policy _ _____ __ __ ______ _ 449 DefiuitiomL _____ ____ _______ ___ _____ 450 National Labor Relations Board, (,fl'a- tion; compo~!iti0n, quorum, seal, report, salaries _ _ _ _ ____ _______ __ 451 Abolition of old Board; tran~fer of personnel, records ___________ 451,452 Expense allowaI}(,cs; principal oflicc; administrative rules_ ___ _ ___ ___ 452 Rights of employces_________________ 452 Unfair labor practices_ __ _____ __ _ ____ 452 Representatives and elections____ ___ __ 453 Prevention of unfair labor practices; procedure by Board; tcstimony _ 453, 454 Order by Board, cnforcement; appli- caiion to set aside ___________ 454, 455 Not stayed hy comUWllcemcllt of pro('('cdiugs _ _ _ _________ ___ _ 455 Jurisdiction of equity courts______ 455 PCtitiOllS, hearings on_ _ _ _ ____ _ __ 455