Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2254

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clxviii Treasury Department-Continued. Bonds, certificates of indebtedness, Treasury bills, notes, issue of addi- tional, authorized __ - _-_-- ___

Boy Scout Jamboree, D. C., loan of equipment authorized__________ _ Permits for use of public spaces, etc __ Bremerton, 'Vash., transfer of site for post office building __________ - - - - Bridgeport, Conn., coinage to com- memorate anniversary of incor- poration______________________ _ Buff'\lo Harbor, N. Y., transfer of prop- erty f!'Om War Department for Coast Guard activities________ - -- Cabe:l.8 . de Vaca. Expedition and open- ing of Old Spanish Trail, coinage tocom;:nemorate_---___---_----- California Pacific International Expo- sition, coinage of 5O-cent pieces __ _ Importation of dutiable articles under regulations_________________ - - Recoinago of 50-cent pieces _______ _ Charlotte, Mich., c onveyance of certain lands ttL ___________________ - __ Cincinnati, Ohio, coinage to commemo- rate anniversary of, as center of lllusic ________________________ - _ _ Coast Guard and Public Health Service, settlement of damage claims au- thorized; limitation on amounL __ Coast Guard, jurisdiction defined, etc __ Obsolete, etc., material, disposition of, to Boy Scouts of America__ _ Station establishment at- Apostle Islands, 'Vis ___________ _ Cape Cod CanaL ______________ _ Crescent City, Calif ___________ _ Hog Island, Va_____________ - - - - Lake St. Clair, Mich___________ _ Port Washington, Wis __________ _ Sea. Island Beach, Ga ___________ _ Columbia, S. C ., coinage ta commemo- rate founding of, as State capitaL_ Columbus, Miss. , acquisition of site for post office at _______________ - - - - Credit allowed in accounts of Guy F. Allen and J. L. Summers________ _ Customs and internal revenue employes, oath requirement abolished ______ _ Customshouse brokers; revocation or suspension of license; appeal, etc_________________________ _ Prior licenses, force and effect of- _ __ _ Regulations by Secretary _________ _ Dallas, Tex., limitation on sale price of Federal building repealed _______ _ Daniel Boone Bicentennial, supple- menting design of coinage COlll- memorating_______________ - ___ _ INDEX. Page. 20 1165 1166 232 12i7 309 324 174 119 1262 1141 11871 1514 1820 1195 1195 336 1370 339 2031 1370 312 1165 926 593 864 864 865 865 423 StiS Treasury Department-Continued. Page. Delaware, three hundredth anniver:-;ary of landing of Swedes, commemora- tive coinage authorized_ ________ 1:~52 Disbursement Division, payments for pUblication of writings of George Washington to be made by ____ __ 38 Elgin, Ill., coinage to commemorate anniversary of founding_ ____ _____ 1523 Elks, Order of, permits to use building!', etc., D. C ., during session __ ___ ___ tl5ti EI Paso, Tex., lense of quarters for cer- tain Government sen·ices ________ 4-18 Enfield, Conn., cOIl\·eyance of certaill land to ________________________ 1193 Exchange of coins and currencies; pay- ment of gold-clause securities; with- drawal of right to sue Government for claims arising __ ___________ 938, 939 Appropriations available or expended on dollar for dollar basis_ ______ 939 "Gold clause", "Securities of the F nited States", defined ________ 939 Federal Alcohol Administration divi- sion. See Federal Alcohol Admin- istration Act. Federal Alcohol Administration made independent establishment_ ______ 1964 Federal Power Act; disposition of charges arising from licenses un- der____________________________ 845 Federalproperty, surplus, disposition of _ 885 Acquisition of additional spaee_ ___ _ 886 Fort Knox Military Reservation, I\:y., transfer of portions of, to_______ 613 Fort Pulaski National Monument, Ga. , reservation for use as quarantine statiou_ ___________ ___ __ _____ ___ 1980 Glycerine or stearine pitch, remission of taxes paid or accrued Oil impor- tation of, under. Revenue Act of 1935___________________________ 1743 Great Lakes Exposition, coinage of 50- cent pieces ___ . . _________________ 1257 Importation of articl('s free of duty; regulatiolls ____________ . _ ___ . 135H Grosse Ile Lighthouse Reservation, Mich., transfer to, for usc by Customs Service _________ ___ ____ 307 Hudson, N. Y ., coinage to commemo- rate auniversary of fOlluding _____ 165 Indiana, issue of duplicate checks to treasurer of, in lieu of lost origi- nals_------- ___________________ 866 Internal Revenue, Bureau of, payment to certain employees dropped from sen·ice and reillstEl.ted, etc_____ ___ 224 Examination required_ __ __________ 224 Sums made available for salaries____ 224