Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/238

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101. MAY 9, 1935 .

193 Iowa : Sac and Fox Sanatorium, $73,000 ;

Iowa . Minnesota : Pipestone Hospital, $22,000 ;

Minnesota . Mississippi : Choctaw Hospital, $27,000 ;

Missi ssippi . Montana : Blackfeet Hospital, $29,000 ; Fort Peck Hospital, Montana . $22,000 ; Crow Agency Hospital, $28,000 ; Fort Belknap Hospital, $30,000 ; Tongue River Hospital, $30,000 ; Nebraska : Winnebago Hospital, $39,000 ;

Nebraska . Nevada : Carso n Ho spita l, $23,000 ; Walker Ri ver Hospital, Nevada . $21,000 ; Western Shoshone Hospital, $15,000 ; New Mexico : Albuquerque Sanatorium, $100,000

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HOS- New M exico . pital and Sanatorium, $60,000 ; Mescalero Hospital, $20,000 ; Eastern Navajo Hospital, $32,000 ; Northern Navajo Hospital, $30,000 ; Taos Hospital, $20,000 ; Zuni Sanatorium, $50,000 ; Albuquerque Hospital, $50,000 ; Charles H . Burke Hospital, $8,000 ; Santa Fe Hospital, $40,000 ; Toadlena Hospital, $11,500 ; North Carolina : Cherokee Hospital, $16,000 ;

North Carolina. North Dakota : Turtle Mountain Hospital $37,500 ; Fort Berthold No rth Dakota . Hospital, $18,000 ; Fort Totten Hospital, 23,000 ; Standing Rock Hospital, $28,000 ; Oklahoma : Cheyenne and Arapahoe Hospital, $36,000 ; Choctaw Okla homa . and Chickasaw Sanatoriu m, $55,000 ; Shawnee Sanatorium, $90,000 ; Claremore Hospital, $36,000 ; Clinton Hospital, $20,000 ; Pawnee and Ponca Hospital, $30,000 ; Kiowa Hospital, $97,000 ; Oregon : Warm Springs Hospital, $12,000 ;

Oregon . 1 South Dakota : Crow Creek Hospital, $22,000 ; Pine Ridge Hos- South D akota . tal s, $ 43 ,0 00 ; Rosebu d Hospital, $28,000 ; Yankt on Hospital . 5,000 ; Utah : Uintah Hospital, $15,000 ;

Utah . Washington : Yakima S anatorium, $40,000 ; Tacoma Sanatorium, Washington . $200,000 ; Tulalip Hospital, $10,000 ; Colville Hospital, $25,000 ; Wisconsin : Hayward Hospital, $33,000 ; Tomah Hospital, $27,000 ; Wiscons in. Wyoming : Shoshone, $25,000 ;

Wyoming. Provided, That 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be Prov isos . interchange » available interchangeably for expenditures in the various hospitals able . named, but not more than 10 per c entum shal l be added to the amou nt ap propr iated for any one of said hospitals or for any particular item within any hospital, and any interchange of appro- Rep ort to Congress . priations hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the Annual Budget : Pro vid ed fur th er, That nonreservation boarding schools Hospitalization of receiv ing spec ific app ropriati ons shal l contri bute on a per d iem basi s pupils . for th e hospit alizatio n of pup ils in h ospitals locate d at suc h school s and s upport ed fro m this appro priati on . For a clinical survey of tuberculosis, trachoma, and venereal and cl ini cal survey of disease conditions, other disease conditions among Indians, $20,000 : Provided, That in precise. conducting such survey the cooperation of such State and other Lo cal cooperation . organ izatio ns eng aged i n simi lar -w ork sh all be enlis ted wh erever prac ticable and wher e servic es of ph ysicians , nurse s, or ot her pers ons are d onated their trave l and other expens es may be pa id fro m this appro priati on . Support of hospitals, Chippewas in Minnesota (tribal funds)


Chippewas in Min- nesota. support of hospitals maintained for the benefit of the Chippewa Hospitals for, from Indians in the State of Minnesota, $162,000, payable from the tr Vool .25,p. 645 l principal sum on deposit to the credit of said Indians arising under section 7 of the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat., p. 645). Medical relief in Alaska : To enable the Secretary of the Interior, Alas kdi cal rel ief in in his di screti on, an d tind er his direc tion t hrough the B ureau of Indian Affairs, with the advice and cooperatio n of the Public Healt h Serv ice, t o prov ide fo r the medica l and sanita ry rel ief of 104019'-36-13