Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/318

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 131 . MAY 17, 1935 .

273 tenance, or improvement of roads for other Government agencies the charge for such services may include depreciation on engineering and road-building equipment use d, and the amounts received on account of such charges shall be credited to the appropriation con- cerne d : Pro vid ed fur th er, That not to exceed $140,000 fro m the Laboratory, con- ruc tion . administrative funds authorized by the Act approved November 9, st , p. 212; Vol. 1921, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, in addi- Post, p . 1448. tion to the amount remaining available under the authorization contained in the Agricultural Appropriation Act approved May 27, 193 0, shall be available for the construction of a laboratory, on a site alread y acqu ired, for pe rmanen t quar ters f or the testi ng and research work of the Bureau of Public Roads . For the survey, construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of Min road s , con- main roads through unap propriated or unreserved publi c lands, strue tion ,etc l nonta xable Indian lands , or o ther F ederal reser vation s othe r than the forest reservations, under the provisions of the Act of June 24 Vol. 4s, p. 805; Vol. 1930 (46 Stat. 805), ad as authorized by section 6 of the Highway 48' p.994 ' Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat . 994), $2,500,000, to be immediately available and remain available until expended . NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY HIGHWAY FUNDS For em ergenc y cons tructi on of public highw ays an d othe r rela ted projects in accordance with section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to increa se emp loymen t by a uthori zing a n appr opriat ion to provi de for emergency construction of public highways and related projects, and to amend the Federal Aid Road Act, approved July 11, 1916, as ame nded a nd sup plemen ted, a nd for other purpo ses " , approved June 18, 1934 (48 Stat . 993), the sum of $100,000,000 (being the remainder of the amount of $200,000 .000 authorized to be appropriated by section I of such Act) shall be made immediately available for the foregoing purposes from the appropriation in section f of the Emer- gency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 and continue available until expended . The appropriation of $2,000,000 for roads on unappropriated or unreserved public lands, nontaxable Indian lands, and so forth, con- tained in the Act entitled "An Act to relieve destitution, to broaden th e lend ing po wers o f the Recons tructi on Fin ance C orpora tion, and to create employment by providing for and expediting a public- works program ", approved July 21, 1932, is hereby continued avail- able during the fiscal year 1936, and not to exceed $4,760 may be used trct sin for personal services in the District of Columbia . Total, Bureau of Public Roads, $51,059,256 .14. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SALARI ES AND EXPENSE S General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $37,600 . Agr icu ltu ral e ngi nee rin g : F or inv estiga tions, exper iments , and demonstrations involving the application of engineering principles to agriculture, independently or in cooperation with Federal, State, county, or other public agencies or with farm bureaus, organizations, or individuals ; for investigating and reporting upon the utilization of water in farm irrigation and the best methods to apply in prac- tice ; the different kinds of power and appliances ; the flow of water in ditches, pipes, and other conduits ; the duty, apportionment, and measurement of irrigation water ; the customs, regulations, and laws 104 019' - .36-18 National Industrial Recovery Ilighway Fun ds . Emer gency co nstruc . tion . Vol. 48, p. 993 . Immediately avail- able . Public land high- ways , em erge ncy con- struction . Vol. 47, p. 717. Agricultural neer ing . the Dis- Agricultural Engi . neering Bureau . Salaries and expenses . General administra- tive expenses . engi-