Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/377

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I . CHS . 200-202. JUNE 7,1935 . and the Marine Corps of whatever nature rendered by said leaders shall be counted as if it were commissioned service ; and the said leaders of the United States Navy Band and the band of the United Retirement. States Marine Corps shall, at such time as the President in his discre- tion may direct, be entitled to retirement as a lieutenant in the Navy and as a captain in the Marine Corps, in the same manner as other officers of the Navy and the Marine Corps of such rank and length of service, computed as stated above, would be entitled to retirement . Approved, June 7, 1935 . [CHAPTER 201 .1 AN ACT June 7, 1935.

[S . 2105 .j To provide for an additional number of cadets at the United States Military [Public, No.116.]

Academy, and for othe r purpo ses . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Military Academy . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That hereafter 44 incre ased . of cadets th ere shal l be al lowed at the Un ited Sta tes Mil itary Ac ademy t hree Vol . 40,p.894; Vol . cade ts for each Sen ator, R epresent ative, Delegate in Con gress, a nd 's 70C U. .,p.281. Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, one to be selected by the Gove rnor of the Pa nama Ca nal Zon e, from among t he sons of civilians of the Panama Canal Zone and the Panama Railroad, resident on the zone, five for the District of Columbia, and one hundred and thirty-two from the United States at large, forty of whom shall be appointed on the r ecommendation of the a cademic se lec ti ons fr om authorities of the "honor schools " as designated by the War Depart- "honor schools". me nt, and three o f whom s hall be selecte d from persons recomme nded by the Vic e Presi dent, in additi on to th e numbe r now au thorize d to be appointed from the enlisted men of the Regular Army and National Guard, and the sons of deceased officers, soldiers, sailors, and ma rines. Approved, June 7, 1935 . [CHAPTER 202 .] June 7, 1935 .

AN ACT [S . 1469 .1 To transfer certain lands from the Veterans' A dm inistration to the Department [Public, No. 117.]

of the Interior for the benefit of Yavapai Indians, Arizona . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the YevapaiIndians. United States of America in Congress assembled, That ,uris lands to Inter ior De-

dic- Tr ansfer of cer tain tion over that tract of land, identified under a metes-and-bounds pertment for benefit of. description beginning at the intersection of the west boundary line neseription . of the former Whipple Barracks Military Reserve and the south line of section 28 in township 14 north, range 2 west, Gila and Salt Lake meridian, Arizona, thence northwesterly along said west bound- ary line eight hundred and eighty feet ; thence northeasterly at right angles one thousand seven hundred and sixty feet ; thence south- easterly parallel with the said west boundary line one thousand seven hundred and sixty feet ; thence southwesterly at right angles one thousand seven hundred and sixty feet ; thence northwesterly along said west bounda ry line eight hundred and eighty feet t o point of beginning, containing approximately seventy-five acres, is hereby transferred from the Veterans' Administration to the Depart- ment of the Interior, and the title to said described lands shall remain in the United States in trust for the Yavapai Indians . Approved, June 7, 1935 .