Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/409

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74TH CONGRES S . SESS. I. CH. 241. JUNE 14, 1935 . escaped prisoners and rewards for their capture ; repair and improve- ments to buildings, cells, and locking devices ; newspapers, books, and periodicals not to exceed $100 ; main tena nce of n on-p asse nger - carrying motor vehicle ; and expense of electrocutions, $82,000 . Workhouse and Re- GENERAL ADMINISTR ATION, WORKHOUSE AND RE FORMATORY, DISTRICT OF formatory .

COLUMBIA Personal services .

For personal services, $389,560 . Maintenance, etc.

For maintenance, care, and support of inmates, rewards for fugi- Post, p . 1614. tives, discharge gratuities provided by law, medical supplies, news- papers, books, books of reference and periodicals, farm implements, tools, equipment, transportation expenses, purchase and maintenance of livestock and horses ; purchase, exchange, maintenance, operation, Fuel, etc. and repair of non-passenger-carrying vehicles and motor bus ; fuel for heating, lighting, and power, and all other necessary items, $350,000 . ti on,

co nstru e- For continuing construction of buildings and inclosing walls, including equipment and furniture, to provide for the custody of such prisoners as should be confined within a walled inclosure, $100,000, to be immediately available . Repairs.

For repairs to buildings and grounds, and maintenance of utilities, marine and railroad transportation facilities, and mechanical equip- ment not used in industrial enterprises, $22,000 . Working capital .

To provide a working capital fund for such industrial enterprises as m ay be approved by the Commissi oners of the D istrict of Colu m- Pr sviso .

bia, $30,000 : Provided, That the various departments and institutions and

ts of services of the District of Columbia and the Federal Government may pur- chas e, at fair mark et prices, as d etermined by t he Commissioner s, su ch surplus products and services as meet their requirements ; Re ceipt s depo sited as receipts from the sale of products and services shall be deposited to a revolving fund ; avail- the credit of said working capital fund, and said fund, including all receipts receipts credited thereto, shall be used as a revolving fund for the fiscal year 1936 for the purchase and repair of machinery, tools, and equipment, purchase of raw materials and manufacturing supplies, purchase, maintenance, and operation of non-passenger-carrying vehicles, purchase and maintenance of horses, and purchase of fuel for manufacturing purposes ; for freight, personal services, and all other necessary expenses ; and for the payment to inmates or their dependents of such pecuniary earnings as the Commissioners may deem proper. wa ter s upply, filt ra- For construction of a sand filter for the permanent water supply Pod,sp .m 111 5.

system, to be immediately available, $25,000 . Adva nces authori zed The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to for returning escaped prisoners . adva nce to the gene ral superintend ent of penal i nstitutions, up on requisitions previously approved by the auditor of the District of Colu mbia, and upon such security a s the Commissi oners may requi re of said superintendent, sums of money not exceeding $200 at one time, to be use d only for expe nses in returni ng escaped pri soners, paya ble from the ma intenance appro priations for the workhouse a nd reforma tory, all su ch exp enditur es to be acc ounted for to the a ccount - ing officers of the District of Columbia within one month on itemized vouchers properly approved . National Training

NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS School for Boys. committed Care, etc ., thereto, boys For care and maintenance of boys committed to the National Training School for Boys by the courts of the District of Columbia under a contract to be made by the Board of Public Welfare with the authorities of said National Training School for Boys, $60,000 .