Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/526

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 381-383 . JULY 15, 16, 1935 .

481 [CHAPTER 381 .] AN ACT July 15, 1935 . Authorizing t he Secretary of the Navy to accept on behalf of the Unit ed States [ s . 284 6.1 the devise and bequest of real and personal property of the late Paul E.

[Public, No. 207 .] McDonnold, passed assistant surgeon with the rank of lieutenant comm and er, Med ical C orps, Unite d Sta tes Na vy, re tired . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary PaulE. McDofnob~ of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to accept on behalf of quest of . the United States the devise and bequest of the real and personal property provided in the will of the late Paul E . McDonnold, passed assistant surgeon with the rank of lieutenant commander, Medical Corps, United States Navy, retired, or the proceeds from the sale thereof, for the benefit of the hospital fund, United States Navy . SEC. 2. The funds accruing from the sale of property and the Funds from sale of moneys authorized to be accepted by secti on 1 of this Act shall be pr Naval chospital deposited into the Treasury to the credit of the trust fund account fund" . 48, p. 1224. "Naval hospital fund (7 s 815)", subject to the provisions of the Act of June 26, 1934 (48 Stat . 1224, ch . 756) . Approved, Jul y 15, 1935 . [CHAPTER 382 .] J OINT RESOLU TION July 15, 1935. To provide for the compensation of pages of the Senate and House of Repre- [11. J. Res . 347 .1 sentatives from July 1, 1935, until the close of the first session of the 74th [Pub. Res ., No . 39.1 Congress . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United St ates of Amer ica in C ongr ess asse mble d, That for the payment of Congressional pages. Appropria tion for pages of the Senate and House of Representatives for the period pay yresent session close commenc ing July 1, 1935, and ending with the last day of t he month in whic h the first sessi on of the Seventy -fourth Congress adjourns sine die, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- ury not otherwise appropriated, so much as may be necessary for each of the following respective purposes Sena te : For twenty-one pages for the Senate Ch amber at the rat e senate . of $4 per day each. Hous e of Rep resen tati ves : For forty-one pages, including ten for House of Representa- duty at the entrances to the Hall of the House, at $4 per day each . tives. Approved, Jul y 15, 1935 . [C HAPTER 383 .] AN ACT July 16, 1935. To amend sections 11 and 24 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as ame nde d, with [H. R. 4751.1 respect to the terms of office of members of the Interstate Commerce Com- [Public, No . 208 .1 missio n . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Interstate Interstate Commerce Commerce Act, as amended, is amended by inserting at the end of 'Terms of once of section 11 and immediately preceding the last sentence of section 24 o Vo ~, p . 3s3, Vol. a new sentence as follows : " Upon the expiration of his term of office 41, p. 497- a Commission er shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed 22x8: s. C.,pp. zzzl, and shall have qualified." Approved, July 16, 1935 . 101019 1-36 31