Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/557

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512 Ap pointme nt of per- SEC. 3. (a) Without regard to the civil-service laws or the Classi- 5OU S C.,p.85. fication Act of 1923, as amended, the Commission is authorized to ap poin t and pre scri be t he du ties and fix the comp ensa tion (not to exc eed $5,000 per a nnum) of a direct or and such other employees as are necessary in the execution of its functions. Expenditures al- (b) The Commission may make such expenditures as are necessary l ow ed . to carry out the intent and purposes of this resolution, including all necessary traveling expenses and subsistence expenses incurred by the commissioners . Duration of Corn-

(c) The Commission shall cease to exist within six months after the date of the expiration of the celebration . SEC . 4 . There is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this joint resolution . Approved, August 2, 1935 . mission. Sum au thorized . Post, p . 1603. August 2, 1935 . [H . J. Res. 182.1 [Pub . Res., No.42.] JOINT RESOLUTI ON To provide for membership of -the United States in the Pan American Institute of Geography and History; and to authorize the President to extend an invita- tion for the next general assembly of the Institute to meet in the United States in 1935, and to provide an appropriation for expenses thereof . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That to enable the United States to become a member of the Pan American Institute of Geog- raphy and History, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually the sum of $10,000 for the payment of the quota of the United Stat es . SEC . 2. That the President be, and he is hereby, requested to extend to the Pan American Institute of Geography and History an invitation to hold the secon d general assembl y of the Institut e in the United States in the year 1935 . Appropriation au- SEC. 3 . That the sum of $10,000 or so much thereof as may be thorized for expenses


y of meeti ng . necessary, is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the expenses Post, p. 1123' cf such a meeting, including personal services without reference to the Classification act of 1923, as amended, in the District of Colum- bia and elsewhere; stenographic reporting and other services by contract if deemed necessary, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 4, sec. 5 1 ); rent, traveling expenses; purchase of necessary bo oks and documents; newspa pers and periodi- cals; stationery; official cards; printing and binding; entertainment; hire, maintena nce, and o peration of motor-p ropelled p assenger vehicles; and such other expenses as may be actually and necessarily incurred by the Goverment of the United States by reason of such invitation in the observance of proper courtesies, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State . Approved, August 2, 1935. 1So in original . Pan American Insti- tute of Geography and History . Annual appropria- ti on authorized for United States mem- bership . Post, p. 1123 . Invitation to ho ld 1935 assembly in United States. U.S .C.,p.85. L7. S. C.,p. 1803 . 74, L ,.a CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 429, 430. AUGUST 2, 1935. [CHAPTER 430 .]