Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/59

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74rtt CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH . 3. FEBRUARY 2, 1935 . subsistence while so employed, and printing of awards, together with proceedings and testimony relating thereto, as authorized by the Railway Labor Act, including also contract stenographic reporting service, and rent of quarters when suitable quarters cannot be sup- Balance reappropri- plied in any Federal building, $30,000, together with the unexpended ateol . 48, p. 511.

balance of the appropriation available for this purpose for the fiscal year 1935 . Emergency boards . Emergency boards : For expenses of emergency boards appointed Vol.44,p.586;U.S. C ., p .1967. by the President to investigate and report respecting disputes bet ween ca rriers and thei r emplo yees, as author ized by section 10, Railway Labor Act, approved May 20, 1926 (U . S . C., Supp . VII, ateBalance reappropri- title 45, sec . 154), $25,000, together with the unexpended balance of Vol. 48, p. 510.

the appropriation available for this purpose for the fiscal year 1935 . Prin'tingaindbinding . For all printing and binding for the National Mediation Board, $2,500 . Na tion al Railroad Adjustment Board.

NAT ION AL R AILR OAD ADJ USTM ENT BOAR D o P o st ,p pp . 23,1603.

For authorized expenditures of the N ational Railroad Adjus t- . ment Board, in performing the duties imposed by law, including personal services ; contract stenographic reporting services ; supplies and equipment ; law books and books of reference ; periodicals ; traveling expenses ; and rent of quarters outside the District of Columbia, $156,000, of which not more than $114,000 may be exp ended f or pers onal ser vices . Total, National Mediation Board, $336,450 . PAYMENT TO OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE UNITED STATES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES DUE TO APPRECIATI ON OF FOREIGN C URRENCIES Foreign Service . Losses due to appre- Payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign ci atio u of fore ign cur- rencies .

countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies : For the purpose Cvp. 45 .' p' 466


of c arrying into ef fect the provis ions of the Act entitle d "An A ct Post, pp . 71, 574,1173 . to authorize annual appropriations to meet losses sustained by officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies in their relation to the Ameri- can dollar, and for other purposes ", approved March 26, 1934, and for each and every object and purpose specified therein, $3,904,824 . Puerto Rican Hurri- cane Relief Commis- PUER TO R ICAN HUR RICA NE RELIEF CO MMIS SION ion . Administrative ex- To enable the Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Commission to con- e Post, p. 320. tinue collection and administration of moneys due the United Sums available .

States on account of loans made under the joint resolutions approved Vol. 45, p. 1067; Vol. 46,p .57 . December 21, 1928 (45 Stat . 1067), and January 22, 1930 (46 Stat . 57), not to exceed $25,000 of any unobligated balances of appropria- tions made by authority of those joint resolutions, including repay- ment of principal and/or payments of interest on such loans, is hereby made available for administrative expenses during the fiscal year 1936 . Securities and Ex cha nge

SECURITIE S AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Commission. Commissioners, and all other expenses. Vol. 48, p. 885. Post, p. 1113. For five commissioners, and for all other authorized expenditures of the Securit ies and Exchan ge Commi ssion i n perfor ming th e duties imposed by law or in pursuance of law and for other personal services, including employm ent of experts when n ecessary ; co ntr ac t s te no- graphic reporting services ; supplies and equipment ; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, directories, periodicals, newspaper and press clippings ; travel expenses, including the expense of att endance, when s pecific ally aut horized by the Commiss ion, at