Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/663

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74TH CO NGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 530. AUGUST 14, 1935 . contract, such person is (or, if a partnership, association, or corpora- tion, has a member, officer, or director, or an employee performing general managerial duties, that is) an individual who has theretofore entered into any unlawf ul combination to prevent the making of any Pr• bids for c arryin g the mails : Pr ovi de d, That whe never required by the Affidavits resprespecting ac tiviti es in r egard to Postmaster General or Interstate Commerce Commission the bidder bidding, etc . shall submit an affidavit executed by the bidder, or by such of its offi- cers, di rectors, or gen eral manageria l employees as the Postmaster General or Interstate Commerce Commission may designate, sworn to befor e an officer au thorized and e mpowered to adm inister oaths, stat ing in such affida vit tha t the affian t has not en tered n or pro posed to enter into any combi nation to prev ent the making of any bid for carrying the mails, nor made any agre ement, or given or performed, or promised to give or perform, any consideration whatever to induce sa la ry, etc ., provi- any other person to bid or not to bid for any mail contract, or (2) sion . if it pays any officer, director, or regular employee compensation in any form , whether as sa lary, bonus, c ommission, or o therwise, at a rate exceeding $17,500 per year for full time : Provided further, Li mita tio n on That it shall be unlawful for any officer or regular employee to draw amount . a salary of more than $17,500 per year from any air-mail contractor, or a sal ary from any ot her company if such salary fr om any company makes hi s total compens ation more tha n $17,500 per y ear ƒ ' Vol. 48, p. 937.

SEC . 10. Section 10 of such Act is amended to read as follows counts ; and SC " SEC . 10. All persons holding air-mail contracts shall be required to keep their books, records, and accounts under such regulations as may be promulgated by the Postmaster General, and he is hereby office Examination onb yPos t auth orized, if and when he deems i t advisable to do so, to exam ine and audit the books, records, and accounts of such contractors, and to require such contractors to submit full financial reports in such form and under such regulations as he may prescr ibe . By Interstate Com- " Whenever an audit of the books, records, or accounts of any air- merce commission. mail contractor is made by the aud itors of the I nterstate Comme rce Commission, a full and complete report thereof shall be made to the Post Office Department within thirty days, and that report shall con- tain all instances in which the contractor has failed to comply wrth any of the provisio ns of the unifo rm system of a ccounts prescri bed by the Post Office Department ; and the Postmaster General shall, upon request, have at all times access to the records and reports of Auditing expenses . the Commission conc erning air mail and air-mail contracts . There is authorized to be used from the appropriations for Contract Air Mail Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, a sum not in excess of $25 .000 for the purpose of auditing the books and records of air-mail contractors by the Post Office Department ." Vol . 48,p.937.

SEC . 11 . Section 13 of such Act is amended to read as follows Compensation rates, "SEC. 13. It shall be a condition upon the holding of any air-mail labor conditions, etc. co ntra ct t hat the rate of comp ensa tion and the wor king con diti ons and relations for all pilots and other employees of the holder of such contract shall conform to decisions heretofore or hereafter made by the National Labor Board, or its successor in authority, notwith- st anding any li mitati on as to the perio d of it s effe ctiven ess in cluded collective bargain - in any such decision heretofore rendered . This section shall not be ing . construed as restricting the right of any such employees by collective bargaining to obtain higher rates of compensation or more favorable working conditions and relations ." Vol. 48, pp . 938, 1243 . SEC . 12 . Section 15, as amended, of such Act is amended to read as follows Num ber of co ntracts " SEC. 15 . After June 30, 1935, no person holding a contract or to contractor limited . contrac ts for carry ing ai r mail on a p rimary route shall be awa rded o r