Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/894

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 687 . AUGUST 26, 1935 .

849 compel such public utility to sell or exchange energy when to do so would impair its ability to render adequate service to its customers . Th e Comm ission may p rescri be the terms and c onditi ons of the arrangement to be made between the persons affected by any such order, including the apportionment of cost between them and the compensation or reimbursement reasonably due to any of them . "(c ) Duri ng the con tin uan ce of any war in whi ch the Uni ted States is engaged, or whenever the Commission determines that an emergency exists by reason of a sudden increase in the demand for electric energy, or a shortage of electric energy or of facilities for the generation or transmission of electric energy, or of fuel or water for generating facilities, or other causes, the Commission shall have authority, either upon its own motion or upon complaint, with or without notice, hearing, or report, to require by order such tempo- rary connections of facilities and such generation, delivery, inter- change, or transmission of electric energy as in its judgment will best meet the emergency and serve the public interest . If the parties affected by such order fail to agree upon the terms of any arrange- ment betwee n them in carrying out such order, the Commission, after hearing held either before or after such order takes effect, may prescribe by supplemental order such terms as it finds to be just and reasonable, including the compensation or reimburs ement which should be paid to or by any such party . "(d) Du ring the co ntinu ance o f any emerg ency requi ring i mmedi - ate action, any person engaged in the transmission or sale of electric energy and not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Com- mission may mak e su ch temporary connections wi th any public ut ility subj ect t o the juri sdic tion of th e Com missi on or may const ruct such temporary facilities for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce as may be necessary or appropriate to meet such emergency, and shall not become suject to the jurisdiction of the Commission by reason of such temporar y connection or tem- porary construction : Provided, That such tem por ary con nec tio n shall be discontinued or such temporary construction removed or otherwise d isposed of upon the termination of such emergency Provided further, That up on approval of the Commission permanent connections for emergency use only may be made hereunder . "(e) After six months from the date on which this Part takes effect, no person shall transmit any electric energy from the United States to a foreign country without first having secured an order of the Commis sion author izing it to do s o . Th e Comm ission shall issue such order upon application unless, after opportunity for hearin g, it finds that the p ropos ed tra nsmis sion w ould impai r the sufficiency of electric supply within the United States or would impede or tend to impede the coordination in the public interest of facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission . The Com- mission may by its order grant such application in whole or in part, with such modifications and upon such terms and conditions as the Commission may find ne cessary or appropriate, and may from time to time, after opportunity for hearing and for good cause shown, make such supplemental orders in the premises as it may find neces- sary or appropriate . "SEC . 203 . (a) No public utility shall sell, lease, or otherwise dis- po se of the whole of i ts fa cili ties subje ct to the juris dicti on of the Commission, or any part thereof of a value in excess of $50 .000, 104019o-36 54 Ter ms and condi- tions resp ecting con- nection arrangement . Emerg encie s . Authority of Com- mission . Temporary connec- tion of utility not under ju risd ict ion of Com - mission. Provisos . Discontinuance of connection up on termi- nation of emergency. Permanent connec- tions. Exportation of elec- tric energy . Authorization re- quir ed . Applicatio n and orde r. " DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY

CONSOLIDATIONS PURCHASE OF SECURITIES eC Dis pos iti on of pro p- s Restriction on .