Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/937

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH . 748 . AUGUST 27, 1935. Extending for products . Technical studies, etc . Tr ade marking. Establishing stand- a rds. Licenses for use of. Personal services. Pr oviso . Appointments in ac- cordance with Class ifi- cation and Civil Serv- ice Acts . Vol.42,p.1488;U.S. C.,p.85. Bu sines s con tract s . Proviso . Unauthorized ac ts . Rules prescribed . Provisos. Regulating disburse- ments . Approval of Secre- tary of the Interior . Appropriation au- thorized for expenses . Post, p. 1768 . Receipts to consti- tute special fund ; ex- penditures therefrom . Counter feiting, etc . markets Indian art and craftsmanship . In the execution of this function the Board shall have the following powers : (a) To unde rtake mar ket research to determine the best opportunity for the sale of various products ; (b) to enga e in technical research and give technical advice and assistance ; (c) to engage in experimentation directly or through selected agencies ; (d) to correlate and encourage the activi- ties of the various governmental and private agencies in the field

(e) to offer as sistanc e in the manage ment of operati ng grou ps for the furtherance of specific projects ; (f) to make recommendations to appropriate agencies for loans in furtherance of the production and sale of Indian products ; (g) to create Government trade marks of g enuinen ess and quality for In dian pro ducts a nd the p roducts of particular Indian tribes or groups ; to establish standards and regu- lations for the use of such trade marks ; to license corporations, associations, or individuals to use them ; and to charge a fee for their use ; to register them in the United States Patent Office without charge ; (h) to employ executive officers, including a general man- ager, and such other permanent and temporary personnel as may be found necessary, and prescribe the authorities, duties, responsibili- ties, and tenure and fix the compensation of such officers and other employees : Provided, That the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, shall be applicable to all permanent employees except execu tive officers, and that a ll employees other than ex ecutive officers sh all be appointe d in ac cordance with t he civil -servic e laws f rom li sts of eligible s to be supplie d by th e Civil Service Commiss ion ; (i) as a Government agency to negotiate and execute in its own name contracts with operating groups to supply management, per- sonnel, and supervision at cost, and to negotiate and execute in its own name such other contracts and to carry on such other business as may be necessa ry for the acco mplishm ent of t he duti es and p ur- poses of the Board : Provided, That nothing in the foregoing enumeration of powers shall be construed to authorize the Board to borrow or lend money or to deal in Indian goods . SEC. 3 . The Board shall prescribe from time to time rules and regulations governing the conduct of its business and containing such provisions as it may deem appropriate for the effective execu- tion and administration of the powers conferred upon it by this Act

Provided, That before prescri bing any proced ure for the dis burse- ment of money t he Boar d shall advise and cons ult wit h the Ge neral Accounting Office : Provided further, That all rules and regulations proposed by the Board shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior and shall become effective upon his approval . SEC. 4. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any sums in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated such sums as may be nec essary to defra y the e xpenses of the Board an d carry out th e purposes and provisions of this Act . All income derived by the Board from any source shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States and shall constitute a special fund which is hereby appropriated and made available until expended for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act . Out of the funds avail- able t o it at any tim e the B oard may author ize such expend itures, consistent with the provisions of this Act, as it may determine to be necess ary for the acc omplish ment of the pur poses an d objec tives o f this Act . SEC . 5. Any person who shall counterfeit or colorably imitate any Government trade mark used or devised by the Board as provided in section 2 of this Act, or shall, except as authorized by the Board, affix any such Government trade mark, or shall knowingly, will- full y, and corruptl y affix any rep roducti on, coun terfeit , copy, or colorable imitation thereof upon any products, Indian or otherwise,