Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/96

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 36. MARCH 21. 1935.

51 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION For an additional amount for the Fed eral Tra de Comm iss ion, Expenses . including the same objects specified under this caption in Title I, p . 10? 43, p. 313; Ante, Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1935, $110,000, to remain available until June 30, 1936 . NATIONAL ARCHIVES Salaries and expenses : For the Archivist and for all other author- `ola r4 s p d Lxpenses• ized expenditures of the National Archives in performing the duties imposed by law, including personal services

supplies and equipment ;

purchase and exchange of books and maps ; contract stenographic re po r ti ng s er vi ce s ; purcha se of newspapers, periodicals, and press clippings ; travel expenses, including not to exceed $500 for the inAttendance at meet- expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Na ti ona l Arc hi ves ; purchase, exchange, mainten ance, and operati on of moto r veh icle s, i nclud ing not more than one pas senge r-ca rryi ng automobile for the official use of the National Archives ; and all other necessary expenses, fiscal year 1936, $458,000, of which not to exceed $73,000 shall be immediately available : Provided, That s ubsistence Proves . expenses payable under this appropriation shall be on a per diem Subsistence . allowance b asis in lieu of a ctual expenses a nd shall not exce ed $5 per day for any person : Provided further, That section 3709 of the Mlnorpurchases, etc . R S., sec. 3709, n. Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5) shall not be construed to 733;'x.S. C ., p. 1803' apply to any purchase or service rendered for the National Archives when the aggregate cost involved does not exceed the sum of $50 . Prin ting and binding : For all printing and binding f or the P rintin gandb inding . National Archives, fiscal year 1936, $17,000, of which not to exceed $2,000 shall be immediately available . VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION Pensions : For an additional amount for the payment of pensions, grat uitie s, an d allo wance s, in cludin g the same obje cts sp ecifi ed un der this h ead in the Independe nt Office s Appropri ation Act , 1935, $94,650,000 . DIS TRI CT OF COL UMBI A PUBLIC S CHO OLS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE Salari es an d gen eral e xpens es (f ighti ng for est f ires)

For an addi-

tional amount for fighting and preventing forest fires, including the same. objects specified under this head in the Agricultural Appro- priation Act for the fiscal year 1935, $2,348,000 . Federal Trade Com- mission . National Archives . Veterans' Adminis- tration . Pensions . Vol.48, p.320. District of Columbia . Pu blic schools . For the purchase of additional equipment for teaching commercial Equipment for each- b

classes . classes in the junior and senior high schools, to continue available ing commercial until June 30, 1936, $15,000 . For t he r ehab ilita tion of the Adams Adm inis trat ion B uild ing for ti oas midi ng ministra- use as an elementary-school building for instruction purposes, to continue available until June 30, 1936, $20,000 . Department of Agri- cu ltur e . Fore st Serv ice . Fighting forest fires . Vol. 48, p. 482.