Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1002

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3018 INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORTATION. OCTOBER 12, 1929. Delivery of goods and waybill. Enforcement of re- spective rights. (3) If the carner obeys the orders of the consignor for the dispo- sition of the goods without requiring the production of the part of the air waybill delivered to the latter, he will be liable, without prejudice to his right of recovery from the consignor, for any damage which may be caused thereby to any person who is lawfully in possession of that part of the air waybill. (4) The right conferred on the consignor shall cease at the moment when that of the consignee begins in accordance with article 13, below. Nevertheless, if the consignee declines to accept the waybill or the goods, or if he cannot be communicated with, the consignor shall resume his right of disposition. Article 13 (1) Except in the circumstances set out in the prec.eding article, the consignee shall be entitled, on arrival of the goods at the place of destination, to require the carrier to hand over to him the air waybill and to deliver the goods to him, on rayment of the charges due and on complying with the conditions 0 transportation set out in the air wavbill. (2) UnlesS it is otherwise agreed, it shall be the duty of the carner to give notice to the consignee as soon as the goods amve. (3) If the carrier admits the loss of the goods, or if the goods have not amved at the expiration of seven days after the date on which they ought to have arrived, the consignee shall be entitled to put into force against the carrier the rights which flow from the contract of tranpportation. Article 14 The t.Onsignor and the consignee can respectively enforce all the rights giv-en them by articles 12 and 13, each m his own name, whether he is acting in his own interest or in the interest of another, provided that he carries out the obligations imposed by the contract. Article 15 Respective relation· (1) Articles 12, 13, and 14 shall not affect either the relations of the ship. consignor and the consi~ee with each other or the relations of third part~es whose rights are derived either from the consignor or from the conslgI!ee. bilyarlatlons in way· (2) The provisions of articles 12, 13, and 14 can only be varied by express provision in the air waybill. Customs, etc., form· allties. Liability or carrier. Article 16 (1) The consignor must furnish such information and attach to the air waybill such documents as are necessf!XY to meet the formalities of customs, octroi, or police before the goods can be delivered to the consi~ee. The consignor shall be liable to the camel' for any damage occasIOned by the absence, insufficiency, or irregularity of any such information or documents, unless the damage is due to the fault of the camel' or his 8$ents. (2) The carner is under no obligation to enqwre into the COlTectness or sufficiency of such information or documents. CHAPTER III. LIABILITY OF THE CARRIER Article 17 Personal inJuries, The camer shall be liable for damage sustained in the event of the etc. death or wounding of a passenger or any other bodily injury suffered by a passenger, if the accident which caused the damage so sustained took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the opera- tions of embarking or disembarking.