Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1021

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REVISION, GENERAL ACT OF BERLIN, ETC. SEPT. 10, 1919. 3037 ANNEX Annes. ABTICLE 1 OF THE GENE&AL ACT OF BERLIN OJ!' FEBRUARY 26, 1885. The trade of all nations shall enjoy complete freedom: 1. In all the regions forming the basin of the Congo and its afHu- ents. This basin is bounded by the watersheds (or mountain ridges) of the adjacent basins, namely, in particular, those of the Niari, the Ogowe, the Shari, and the Nile, on the north; by the eastern water- shed line of the afHuents of Lake Tanganyika on the east; and by the watersheds of the basins of the Zambesi and the Loge on the south. It therefore comprises all the regions watered by the Congo and its afHuents, including Lake Tanganyika, with its eastern tributaries. 2. In the maritime zone extending along the Atlantic Ocean from the parallel situated in 2° 30' of south latitude to the mouth of the Loge. The northern boundary will follow the parallel situated in 2° 30' from the coast to the point where it meets the geographical basin of the Congo, avoiding the basin of the Ogowa, to which the provisions of the present Act do not apply. The southern boundary will follow the course of the Loge to its source, and thence pass eastward till it joins the geographical basin of the Congo. 3. In the zone stretching eastward from the Congo Basin as above defined, to the Indian Ocean from 5° of north latitude to the mouth of the Zambesi in the south, from which point the line of demarcation will ascend the Zambesi to 5 miles above its confluence with the Shire, and then follow the watershed between the afHuents of Lake Nyassa and those of the Zambesi, till at last it reaches the watershed between the waters of the Zambesi and the Congo. It is expressly recognized that in extending the principle of free trade to this eastern zone, the Conference Powers only undertake engagements for themselves, and that in the territories belonging to an independent Sovereign State this principle shall only be appli- cable in so far as it is approved by such State. But the Powers agree to use their good offices with the Governments established on the African shore of the Indian Ocean for the purpose of obtaining such approval, and in any case of securing the most favorable conditions to the transit of all nations. ARTICLE 2 Art. 1, General Ac& ofFeb. 28, 18811. Merchandise belonging to the nationals of the Signatory Powers, d~sit or merchan- and to those of States, Members of the League of Nations, which may adhere to the present Convention, shall have free access to the interior of the regions specified in Article 1. No differential treat- ment shall be imposed upon the said merchandise on importation or exportation, the transit remaining free from all duties, taxes or dues, other than those collected for services rendered.