Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1028

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3044 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-XOn,V ,\. y Octobl'f 6, 1934. ... .... November U, IU34 . dress, and the name and address of the addressee, and shall be se- curely tied to the parcel. The customs declarations of insured parcels must be marked or labeled or stamped" Insured ". No official responsl· 3 . The Administrations accept biIity [or correctness. no responsibility for the correct- Packing, etc. Stampin~ require- mf)nt~. Insured value. AftWng stamps. ness of the customs declarations. 4. Every parcel shall be packed ill a manner adequate for the length o.f the journey and for the protection of the contents. Ordi- nary parcels may be closed by means of wax, lead seals, or oth- erWIse. Insured parcels must be closed and securely :5ealed with wax or otherwise, but the country of des- tination shall have the right to open them as well as ordinary parcels (including the right to break the seals) in order to in- spect the contents. Parcels which have been so opened shall be closed again and officially sealed, except that in the case of ordi- nary parcels they need not be sealed if they were not ~ealed by the sender III the first instance. Either Administration may re- quire a special impress or mark of the sender in the sealing of in- sured parcels mailed in its serv- ice, as a means of protection. 5. On the address side, each in- sured parcel must bear a label with the word" insured ", or be stamped or marked with the same word in close proximity to the number given the parcel, and it must also bear an indication of the amount of the insured value, mentioned fully and legibly in the currency of the country of origin and in Roman letters. This amount must be converted into gold francs by the sender or by the office of origin and the re- suIt of the conversion is added below the original description. 6. The labels or stamps on insured parcels must be so placed that they can not serve to con- ceal injuries to the covers. They must not be folded over two sides of the cover so as to hide the edge. adresse, og skal festes forsvarlig til pakken. Tollallgivelsen til verdipakker skal merkes, pasettes seddel eller stemples "Verdi ". 3, Postverkenc overtar intet ansyar for at tollangivelsene er rikti~ utfylt. 4. Enhver pakke ma vrere inn- pakket pa en mate som svarer til transporte~ varighet of!. slik at innholdet beskyttes. Alminde- lige pakker kan lukkes med lakk, blyplomber eller pa annen mate. Verdipakker rna lukkes og for- segles forsvarlig med lakk eller pa annen mate, men adresselan- det skal ha rett til a apne savel disse som almindelige pakker (herunder rett til a bryte seg- lene) for a besiktige innholdet. Pakker som er blitt apnet pa denne mate, sImI innpakke~ og tjenstlig forsegles; det {'I ' dog ikke npdvendig a forsegle almin- delige pakker, dersom de ikke hal' Va'rt forseglet av avsenderen fra fprst avo Hvert postverk kan som en sik- kerhetsforanstaltning forlange at avsenderen anbringer et spesielt avtrykk eller merke i de segl som settes pa verdipakker som inn- leveres ved dets poststeder. 5. Verdipakker skal pa adres- H('siden ha ('n seddel med ordet " Verdi" eller va're st('mplet el- l('r merket mcd dette ord i umid- delbar nrerhet av det nummer som pakken hal' fatt, samt ha en fullstendig og tydelig llllgivelse av verdibel~pet i utgangslandets mynt, skrevet med latinske bok- staver. Dette bel~p skal til gullfrank av avsenderen {'11er uvs('ndpl'postf.;tedet; gullfrankLw- I~Spet fssies til under den oprin- nelige anf~rsel. 6. M('rkelapper eller stempler pIt verdipakker ma vrere plasert slik at de ikke kan tjene til ii skjule skader pH. omslaget. De mIt ikke breUes over to sider av omslaget sUedes at kanten skjules.