Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1132

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3148 DOUBLE TAXATION. FRANCE. APRIL 27,1932. Tax on d!v.iden~s, ments of the present article. In etc., of seCUrities OIS- • tribut~ by }'rench Buc.h case, the tax on Income from enterprISe. securities continues to be levied, in confonnity with French legisla- tion, on the dividends, interest and all other products distributed by the French enterprise; but it is moreover exigible, if the occasion arises, and subject to the measures Pr~fitsAm~ricancor- of appeal applicable in the case C~g~'O~:dr~~o~~om of the tax on income from securi- • tie<;, on the profits which the American corporation derives from the French corporation un- der the conditions prescribed in Article IV. Joint declarations to An American corporation which be made under sllch • • regime. Wishes to place Itself under the regime of the preceding paragraph must make a declaration to that effect at the Bureau of Registra- tion jointly with the interested French corporation, within six months after the date upon which this Agreement becomes effective or within six months after the acquisition of the participation or the commencement of the relations of a nature to entail the application of Article 3 of the Decree of December 6, 1872. Any such election is irrevocable. Ren,efits enjoyed. by American corporations which AmeflC'dli corporatIOns • not so subjected. have not made the declaratIOn Tax exemptions. Pay of its citizens re- siding in other State. War pensions. and which are subjected to the provisions of Article 3 of the Decree of December 6, 1872, shall enjoy the benefits of Articles 27, 28 and 29 of the French law of July 31, 1920, and Article 25 of the French law of March 19,1928, under the same conditions as French corporations. ARTICLE VII Compensation paid by one of the contracting States to its citi- zens for labor or personal services perfonned in the other State is exempt from tax in the latter State. ARTICLE VIII War pensions paid by one of the contracting States to persons residing in the territory of the other State are exempt from tax in the latter State. sent article. Dans ce cas, l'impot sur Ie revenu des valeurs mobi- lieres continue 8. ~tre per<;u conformement a 10. legislation franQaise sur Ies dividendes, in- terets et tous autres produit.s distribues par l'entreprise fran- Qaise, mais il est, en outre, exigible, Ie cas ech6ant, et sous reserve des recours applicables en matiere d'impot sur Ie revenu des valeurs mobilieres, sur les benefices que l'entreprise ameri- caine retire de l'entreprise fran- <;aise dans Ies conditions prevues par I' article IV. Une societe americaine qui veut beneficier de 180 faculte prevue 3 l'alinea precedent doit en faire Is declaratIOn au bureau de l'enregis- trement, conjointement avec Is societe fran9aise interessee, dans les six mois de I'entree en vigueUl du present accord, ou dans les six mois de 180 prise de participa- tion ou du commencement des relations de nature 8. entraineI l'application de l'article 3 du decret du 6 decembre 1872. L'option exercee est irrevocable. Les societes americaines qui n'ont pas fait Ill. declaration et <J.ui sont Rssujetties aux disposi- tions de l'article 3 du decret du 6 decembre 1872, beneficient d~ articles 27, 28 et 29 de 180 loi du 31 juillet 1920 et de l'article 2Ii de 180 loi du 19 mars 1928, dam les memes conditions que l~ societes fran«;llises. ARTICLE VII Les remunerations payees pal Pun des Etats contractants 8. see citoyens pour travaux ou servicee personnels accomplis dans l'autre Etat sont exemptes d'impot dam ce dernier Etat. ARTICLE VIII Les pensions pour faits de guer re pay~es par l'un des Etats contractants a. des personnes resi- dant sur Ie territoire de l'autI'E Etat sont exemptes d'imp6t dans ce dernier Etat.