Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1190

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3206 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-TURKEY. ~u~~ ;~i!~:~' Damage through (d) Lorsfue Ie dommage a ete fault of sender, ad- 1 . dressee, etc. cause par a faute ou a negh- gence de l'expediteur, du desti- nataire ou de leur representant ou lorsqu'il provient de 10. nature de l'objet. Prohibited articles. (e) Pour les colis contenant des objets interdits. Declared abO\'e real (f) Dans Ie cas ou l'expediteur value. d'un colis declare frauduleuse- ment une valeur superieure a la valeur reelle du contenu; cette regIe ne portera prejudice aux poursuites legales prevues dans lalegislation du pays d'origine. Seized becau~e or (g) P I I' .. I false declarations. our es co IS salsls par es douanes a cause de fausse declara- tion de leurs contenus. Unclaimed witbin a (h) Quaud aucune reclamation


verbale ou ecrite n'a etc formulee par l'expediteur ou son represen- tant dans Ie dclai d'un an a par- tir du jour qui suit celui du depot du colis assure. Matter of no intrin- (i) Pour les colis contenant sic value, etc. des matieres sans valeur intrin- seque, des objets perissables ou des objets qUI ne sont pas con- formes aux dispositions de cet Arrangement, ainsi que pour les colis qui n'etaient pas deposees de la maniere prescrite; mais Ie pays responsable de la :perte, de la spoliation ou de l'avarIe pourra payer l'indemnite a l'egard de tels colis sans recours a l'autre Ad- ministration. Indirect loss, etc. 3. II ne sera paye aucun in- demnite pour les dommage in- directs ou pour la perte de profits d 'un colis transmis en vertu des dispositions du present Arrange- ment. IndemnitypaYDlent. 4. Le payement de l'indem- Deferred, in excep- tional cases. nite pour un colis assure doit avoir lieu Ie plus tOt possible et, au plus tard, dans Ie delai d 'un an a compter du lendemain du jour de la reclamation. Toutefois, 1,Administration d'o- rigine peut differer exception- nellement Ie payement de 1'in- demnite au dela d 'un an, lorsque, dans ce delai, Ie sort du colis n 'a pu ~tre etabli ou la question de responsabilite ~tre tranchee. (d) When the damage has been caused by the fault or negligence of the sender, the addressee or their representative, or when it is due to the nature of the article. (e) For parcels which contain prohibited articles. (f) In case the sender of a par- cel fraudulently declares the con- tents to be above their real valuej this rule shall not prejudice any legal proceedings necessitated by the legislation of the country oj origin. (g) For parcels seized by the customs because of false declara- tion of contents. (h) When no verbal or written inquiry has been made by the sender or his representative with- in the period of a year commenc- ing with the day following the posting of the insured parcel. (i) For parcels which contain matter of no intrinsic value, per- ishable articles or articles which do not conform to the stipUla- tions of this Agreement, as well ae parcels which were not posted in the manner prescribed, but the country responsible for the lossl rifling or damage may pay in- demnity in respect of such parcele without recourse to the otheI Administration. 3. No indemnity shall be given Cor indirect damage or loss oj profits of 11 parcel transmitted by 'virtue of the provisions of thie Agreement. 4. The payment of indemnity for an insured parcel shall be made as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one year counting from the day fol- lowing that on which the appli- cation is made. However, the Administration of origin may exceptlonally defer payment of indemnity beyond a year if, at the expiration of that period, the disposition of the parcel has not been able to be determined nor the responsibility fixed.