Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1226

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3242 NATURALIZATION TREATY-ALBANIA. APRIL 5, 1932. 'Vho, having communicated to each other their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the fol- lowing Articles: ARTICLE I • Recipr<>cal r('('o"ni· Nationals of the United States tlOn of loss or former nationality by natural· who have been or shall be nat- ization. uralized in Albanian territory Terms defined. shall be held by the United States to have lost their former nationality and to be nationals of Albania. Reciprocal1y, nationals of Al- bania who have been or shall be naturalized in territory of the United States shall be held by Albania to have lost their orig- inal nationali~ and to be na- tionals of the United States. The word "national", as m~ed in this convention, means a per- son owing permanent allegiance to, or having the nationality of, the United States or Albania, respectively, under the laws thereof. The word "naturalized", as used in this convention, refers only to the naturalization of per- son·s of full age, upon their own applications, and to the naturali- zation of .minors, through the naturalization of their parents. It does not apply to the acquisi- tion of nationahty by a woman through marriage. Minor chil- dren of persons naturalized in either country shall not acquire the nationality of that country until they shall have established their habitual residence there. ARTICLE II Status of naturaliwl Nationals of either country person returnin~ to , former country. who have or shall become nat- uralized in the territory of the other, as contemplated ill Article I, shall not, upon returning to the country of former national- ity, be punished for the original act of emigration, or for faIlure to respond to calls for military Te cilet, passi i-a komunikuan njerijatrit fuqit' e tyre te plotta, q~~ u-gjenden ne forme te mire e tt; regullshme, rrane ne marreve- shje mbi Artikujt qc vazhdojne: ARTIKULL I Shtetasit e Shteteye te Bash- kuar te ciIet jane naturalizuar ose do te naturalizohen ne toke Shqiptare, do te quhen prej Shte- teve te Bashkuar si persona q'e kane humbur shtetesin' e tvre tt; mepareshme dhe qe jane shtetas Shqiptare. Reciprokisht, shtktasit e Shqi- perise te cilet jane naturalizuar ose do te naturalizohen ne toke t(; Shteteve to Bashkuar, do te quhen prej Shqiperise si persona q'e kane humbur shtet.esin' e tyre origjinale cIhe qe jane shtetas te Shteteve te 'Bashkuar. Fjala "e::htetas ", ashtu sikun- der perdorohet ne kete ujdi, tre- gon nje persone e cila i-a dety- ron per gjithhere besnikerine, ose e cila ka shtetesine, respektivisht, te Shooteve te Bashkuar ose te Shqipcrisc, si pas Hgjeve te tyre. FjaIet "i naturalizuar ", ashtu sikunder perdorohen ne kcte ujd!, u-referohen vetem naturalizimit te person ave ne moshe to plotte, qe Jane natural!zuar me deshiren c vet, dhe naturalizimit te se mi- turve, me anen e naturaIizimit te prindcrYe te tyre. Keto fjale nnk i aplikohen fitimit te shtete- sise prej nje gruaje me anen e marteses. Fcmijct te mitur to personave to naturalizuar ne nFirin o~e tjatrin Shtct, nuk do to fitojne shtetesin' e atf Shteti, gjer Sll ti.~ mos e keno stabiluar banesi;n e tyre to regullshme ne 'teo ARTIKULL II I, Shtetasit e njcrit ose tjatrit Shtet, te ciWt jane naturalizuar osc do te naturalizohen ne tokt.; tt; tjatrit, sikunder u-projektua n'Artikullin I, kur te kthehen ne Shtetin e kombesijes se mepar('- shme, nuk do ndeshkohen sa per vepren origjinale t'emigrimit, ose per shkak qe munguan fi