Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/127

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74TH CONGRESS. SESS. I. CBS. 544,545. AUGUST 14, 1935. [CHAPTER 544.) AN ACT For thc relief of the rightful heirs of Tiwastewin or Anna. 2143 AU(1!It 14, 1111SS. l8.2633 .) [Private, No. 221 .) Be it enacted by the Senate and HOU8e of Representatives of tile United States o/America in Congress Ollsemhl-ed, That the Secretary Tiwu&ewinorADDa. Pa)'lDeDt to beIn at of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed tOlay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate, to Ignatius Court, Simon Court, Alma Jackson, Abraham Beduta, Louisa Beduta, Thomas Pan or Zitkana, George Pan or Beraka, Luc~ Pan or Istaosapa and Sarah Pan or Assinna, the rightful heirs of Tiwastewin or Anna, deceased allottee Numbered 473 of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Tribe, North Dakota, as determined by the Sec- retary of the Interior pursuant to existmg law, the sum of $93.33 to saId Ignatius Court, the sum of $93.33 to the said Simon Court, the sum of $93.33 to said Anna Jackson, the sum of $46.66 to said Abraham Beduta, the sum of $46.66 to said Louisa Heduta, the sum of $46.66 to said Thomas Pan or Zitkana, the sum of $46.66 to said George Pan or Heraka, the sum of $46.66 to said Lucy Pan or Istaosapa, and the sum of $46.66 to said Sarah Pan or Assmna, total sum not to exceed the sum of $559.95: Provided, That the Secretary ff""-' f deposit of the Interior may deposit the said sums to the credit of the said and :~ent. heirs and handle m the same manner as other individual Indian moneys: Provided further, That not to exceed 5 per centum of these I,!mitation ~n attor- nmounts shall be paid to any attorney or attorneys for services ney s, etc., fee." . rendered in this matter: And prO'Vided further, That should the ~8yment to a<tate if persons herein named be not livmg upon the date of the passage of heirs deceased. this Act the said sum shall be credited to and become a part of his or her estate. Approved, August 14, 1935. [CHAPTER 545.] AN ACT .'lJI!U!It 14, 19M. Authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to execute a quitclaim deed of certain -. w.::;::!:[8~=::-'•• .=:;2958~.1=" lr- " land located in thc village of Lyons, New York. (Private, No. 222 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and H OU8e of Representatives 01 the United States of A.merica in Oongress a8semhled, That the Secretary ~yon.~, x. Y . f f T be . hb h'dd d '- onveyauce 0 IU- o the reasury ,and he IS ere y, aut onze an empowere to tion of P<!St omce site sell and convey by the usual quitclaim deed to the owner of record at, authorized. of the land abuttmg the northwesterly side of the post-office site at Lyons. New York, a parcel of land forming a part of said site on which there encroaches a rrtion of a bUIlding now or formerly designated as the "Hote Wayne" ; the land covered by the encroachment being described as lying and being in the village of Lyons, county of Wayne, State of New York: Beginning at a point Descrfption. in the northwesterly side of the present post-office site, which point is one hundred and five one-hundredths feet northwesterly and one hundred and forty feet southwesterly from the intersectIon of the southwesterly side of Pearl Street with the northwesterly side of 'Villiams Street; running thence in a southwesterly directIon along the northwesterly boundary of the post-office site a distance of approximately fourteen feet to a point; thence in a southeastwardly dIrection a dlstance of approximately six feet to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction parallel With the northwesterly boundary of the post-office site a distance of approximately fourteen feet to a. point; thence in a. northwesterly dIrection a dIstance of approxi- mately six feet to the point or place of beginning. Approved, August 14, 1935.