Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1300

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Obtaining property by false pretenses. 18. Obtaining money, valuable securities or other property by false pretenses, or receiving any money, valuable securities or other property knowing the same to have been unlawfully obtained, where the amount of money or the value of the property so obtained or received exceeds two hundred dollars, or Albanian equivalent.

Perjury. 19. Perjury.

Breach of trust, etc. 20. Fraud or breach of trust by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, director or officer of any company or corporation, or by anyone in any fiduciary position, where the amount of money or the value of the property misappropriated exceeds two hundred dollars, or Albanian equivalent.

Slave trading. 21. Crimes and offenses against the laws of both countries for the suppression of slavery and slave trading.

Desertion, etc. 22. Wilful desertion or wilful non-support of minor or dependent children, or of other dependent persons, provided that the crime or offense is punishable by the laws of both countries.

Bribery. 23. Bribery.

Bankruptcy law violations. 24. Crimes or offenses against the bankruptcy laws.

Narcotic traffic. 25. Crimes or offenses against the laws for the suppression of traffic in narcotics.

Accessories. 26. Extradition shall also take place for participation in any of the crimes or offenses before mentioned as an accessory before or after the fact, or in any attempt to commit any of the aforesaid crimes or offenses.

Article III

Political, etc., crimes excluded.

The provisions of the present Treaty shall not import a claim of extradition for any crime or offense of a political character, nor for acts connected with such crimes or offenses; and no person surrendered by or to either of the