Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1318

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3334 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7,30,1935. Hm.lalmed. f) Pour les colis qui n'ont donn~ lieu a aucune roolamation dans Ie dQai d'un an a partir du lendemain du jour du depat. Proper packing, et~. 2. L'expemteur est tenu de confectionner, d'emballer et de cacheter convenablement les colis V.D. La service postal n'assume au,cune res.ponsabilite pour les pertes, spolIations ou deteriora- tions result.ant de defectuosites qui ne pouvaient ~tre constatees lors du dep~t du colis. f) For parcels about which no inquiry has been made within the period of one year from the day following the date of mailing. 2. The sender is bound to make up, pack, and seal insured parcels in an adequate manner. The postal service does not assume any responsibility for loss, rifling, or deterioration resulting from defects which could not be detect- ed at the time of mailing of the parcel. ARTICLE 14. ARTICLE 14. CESSATION DE LA RESPONSABILITE. CESSATION OF RESPONSIBILITY. Cessa',ion or r~IJOII­ sibllity. Les Administrations contrac- tantes cessent d'~tre responsables deB colis qui ont ete distribues dans les conditions prescrites par leurs re~lements interieurs et dont les destmataires ont pris livraison sans fonnuler des reserves. ARTICLE 15. Payment or indem- PAYEMENT DE L'INDEMNITE. nity. Obligation upon dis- Vobligation de payer l'indem- pa!:::~p~~. nite incombe a l'office expediteur, Bauf les cas, prevus par l'Article 12 paragraphe 1, dans lesquels cette indemnita est payee par I'office de destination. L'office payeur a un droit de recours contre l'office responsable. ARTICLE 16. DELAI DE PAYEMENT. Period of payment. 1. Le payement de l'indem- nita sera effectue aussitat que possible, et au plus tard dans Ie delai d'un an a partir du jour qui suit 1& date de la reclamation. 2. Voffice auquel l'Article 15 impose Ie payement de l'indem- nita est autorise a desinteresser I'ayant droit pour Ie compte de l'office qui, reguIierement saisi, a Imsse s'ecouler neuf mois sans donner de solution a l'affaire. Payment deferred in 3. Voffice expediteur peut ex- exoeptlcmal cues. • 11 tdiff~ I ~I ceptionne emen "rer e r"g e- ment de l'indemnite jusqu'au dela de la periode d'un an si, a la fin de cette periode, il n'a pas The contracting Administra- tions cease to be responsible fo! parcels which have been de- livered under the conditions pre- scribed by their internal regula- tions and whose addressees have accepted delivery without making any reservations. ARTICLE 15. PAYMENT OF INDEMNITY. The obligation of paying in· demnity. is incumbent upon thE dispatching Office, except in thE cases contemplated by Article 12: Section 1, where such indemnit, is paid by the Office of destina· tion. The paying Office is en· titled to recourse against the re- sponsible Office. ARTICLB 16. PERIOD OF PAYMENT. 1. The payment of indemnit, will be effected as soon as possible and, at the latest, within thE period of one year from the da, following the date of the inquiry 2. The Office upon which Arti· cle 15 imposes the payment oj indemnity is authonzed to in· demnify the rightful 1?arty OIl behalf of the Office which, dull notified, has let nine months p8.Sl: without settling the matter. 3. The dispatching Office rna, exceptionally 1?ostpone settlement of the indemmty bevond the pe- riod of a year if, at the end of that period, it has not been able to