Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1331

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7,30, 1935. 3347 ARTICLE 33. QUESTIONS NON REGLEES PAR LA CONVENTION. 1. Toutes les questions con- cernant les demandes de retrait ou de changement d'adresse de colis, I'obtention d'avis de recep- tion pour les colis V.D . ou leur envoi 10rsque, deja demandes, ils n'ont pas eM fournis, et Ie re~le­ ment des demandes d'indemmte, qui ne sont pas traitees dans la presente Convention sont sou- mises aux dispositions de la Con- vention de I'Union Postale Uni- verselle et de son Reglement d'execution, dans la mesure OU celles-ci sont applicables et non incompatibles avec les disposi- tions de la presente Convention et, enfin, a defaut d'autres dis- positions, la legislation, les regIe- ments et la jurisprudence des Etats-Unis et de la France, sui- vant Ie pays interesse, font auto- rite. 2. Le Postmaster General des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et Ie Chef de l'Administration <les Postes de France, ont Ie pouvoir de faire, de concert, par correspondance, tous les chan~ements et toutes Ie modificatlOns et tous les regIe- ments ulterieurs d'ordre et de detail qui pourront etre neces- saires pour faciliter l'execution du service envis~e par la presente Convention, amsi que Ie pouvoir de conclure des accords pour la recommandation des colis et pour l'echange de colis contre rem- boursement. Les Administrations postales des deux pays contractants se communiqueront reciproquement leurs dispositions legislatives ou reglementaires applicables au transport des colis postaux. ARTICLE 34. ExECUTION DU SERVICE PAR LES COMPAGNIES DE CHEMINS DE FER ET DE NAVIGATION. 1. Le Gouvernement franftais se reserve 1a droit de faire exe- ARTICLE 33. QUESTIONS NOT COVERED BY THE Questionsnotcovered CONVENTION. by Convention. 1 All questions concerning re- Application of • versa! Posta! lTDJon quests for recall or change of Convention, etc. address of parcels, the obtaining Allie, p. 2i41 . of return receipts for insured par- cels, or their transmission when, already requested, they have not been furnished, and the adjust- ment of indemnity claims, which are not covered by this Conven- tion shall be subject to the pro- visions of the Universal Postal Union Convention and the Regu- lations for its Execution in so far as they are applicable and not inconsistent With the provisions of this Convention and finally, if no other arrangement has been made, the internal legislation, regulations, and rulings of the United States of America and France, according to the country involved, shall govern. 2. The Postmaster General of Details to be fixed by hU·dS f Am' d common consent. t e mte tates0 enca an the Chief of the Administration of Posts of France have the power to make, by agreement, through correspondence, any changes or modifications and any subsequent regulations of order and detail which may be necessary to facili- tate the execution of the service contemplated by the present Con- vention, as well as the power to conclude agreements for the regis- tration of parcels and for the exchange of parcels with charges to be collected on delivery. The Postal AdministratIons of Bptl~t~~ J~:~~!~ion~ the two contracting countries will etC'. reciprocally advise each other of their legislative or regulatory provisions applicable to the trans- portation of parcel post. ARTICLE 34. EXECUTION OF TIlE SERVICE BY THE RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1. The Fre~ch Government re- i('(~x~ti~!lh!!~e~d serves the rIght to have the steaIU~hip (~mpanies.