Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1394

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3410 PROCLAMATIONS, 1934. That portion of Florida comprising Dade, Monroe, and Broward Counties, September 16 to November 15; and Louisiana, November 2 to January 31. Band-tailed pigeons. Band-tailed pigeons.- The open seasons for band-tailed pigeons shall be as follows, both dates inclusive: California and Arizona, December 1 to December 15; New Mexico, November 1 to November 15; Washin~ton and Or~gon, October 16 to qctobe~ 39. Vol. 45, ~). ~; Vol. RegulatIOn 5, "Daily Bag and PosseSSIOn LImIts on Certain 46, p. 3014, Vol. 47, p. • B' d' dd d f11 2443. l\hgratory Game IT s", IS amen e to rea as 0 ows: Bag limits. REGULATION 5.-DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS ON CER- TAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS A person ma,y take in anyone day during the open seasons pre- scribed therefor in regulation 4 not to exceed the following numbers of migratory game birds, which numbers shall include all birds taken by nny other person who for hire accompanies or assists him in taking migratory birds; and in the case of ducks, geese, brant, woodcock, and band-tailed pigeons when so taken these may be possessed in the nwnbers specified as follows: Ducks (except wood duck, ruddy duck, and bufflehead duck). - Twelve in the aggregate of all kinds, but not more than 5 of anyone, or more than 5 in the aggregate, of the following species-eider duck, canvasback, redhead, greater scaup, lesser scaup, ringneck, bIue- wing teal, green-wing teal, cinnamon teal, shoveller, and gadwall; and any person at anyone time may possess not more than 24 ducks in the ag~regate of all kinds, but not more than 10 of anyone, or more than 10 III the aggregate, of the following species-eider duck, can- vasback, redhead, greater scaup, lesser scaup, ringneck, blue-wing teal, green-wing teal, cinnamon teal, shoveller, and gadwall. Geese and brant (except snow geese and brant in Florida and all States north thereof bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, and Ross's goose). -

Four in the aggregate of all kinds, and any/erson at anyone time

may possesses not more than eight geese an brant in the aggregate of all kinds. Rails and gallinules (except sora and coot).-Twenty-five in the aggregate of all kinds, but not more than 15 of anyone species. Sora.- Twenty-five. Coot. -Twenty-five. Wilson's snipe or jacksnipe. - Twenty. Woodcock. - Four, and any person at anyone time may possess not more than 12. Doves (mourning).-Eighteen. Band-tailed pigeons.-Ten, and any person at anyone time may possess not more than 10. The possession limits hereinbefore prescribed shall apply as well to ducks, geese, brant, woodcock, and band-tailed pigeons taken in Canada and other foreign countries and brought into the United States, as to those taken in the United States. Vol. 43, p. 1917; Vol. Regulation 9, "Permits to Collect Migratory Birds for Scientific 46, p. 2992. P'.1rposes", is amended to read as follows: Permits for collectlnj!' specimens. ScIentific collections. REGULATION 9.-P ER M ITS TO COLLECT MIGRATORY BIRDS FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES A person rna,. take at any time migratory birds and their nests and eggs for sCientific purposes when authorized by a permit issued by the Secretary, which permit shall be carried on his person when he is collecting specimens thereunder and shall be exhibited to any