Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1525

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EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS Protocol and exchange oj notes between the United States oj America and _. . . : .;A;.: . .pr'-I1_24 . . .: .....:.;1934~._ Mexico relative to general claims. Signed at Mexico City, April 24, 1934; ratified by the President, January 14, 1935; ratified by Mexico, November 23, 1934; ratificati{)ns exchanged at lVashington, February 1, 1935; proclaimed, February 1, 1935. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION W to lIlt' t l' ted t th G 1 Protocol with Mex- HEREASapro co rea1ve 0cannspresen 0 e enera leo relative to General Claims Commission established by the convention of Sepkmber 8 CI~lms Commi~jon; , Vol. 43, p.1730. \ ol 1923, between the United States of America and the United Mexican 48:f~:~~·312!l. States was signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries on the twenty- fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, the original of which protocol, being in the English and Spanish languages is word for word as follows: PROTOCOL RELATIVE TO CLAIMS PRESENTED TO THE GENERAL CLAIMS COMMIS- SION, ESTABLISHED BY THE CONVENTION OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1923. Josephus Daniels, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- tiary of the United States of America to the Government of Mexico, and Jose :Manuel Puig Casauranc, Secretarv for Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican Stat~, duly authorized, have agreed on behalf of their two Governments to conclude the fol- lowing Protocol: ,I({hereas, It is the desire of the two Governments to settle and liquidate as promptly as pos- sible those claims of each Govern- ment against the other which are comprehended by, and which have been filed in pursuance of, the General Claims Convention between the two Governments, concluded on September 8, 1923; PROTOCOLO RELATIVO A LAS RECLAMACIONES PRESENTA- DAS ANTE LA COMISION GE- NERAI~ DE RECLAMACIONES CREADA POR LA CONVENCION DE 8 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1923. Josephus Daniels, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotencia- rio de los EstadoR Unidos de America ante el Gobierno de Mexico, y Jose Manuel Puig Ca- sauranc, Secretario de Relaeiones Exteriores de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, debidamente autori- zados, convienen en firmar en nombre de sus respeetivos Gobier- nos, el siguiente Protocolo: Considerando que es el deseo de ambos Gobiernos arreglar y liquidar, tan pronto como sea. posibJe, las reclamaciones de cada uno de los dos Gobiernos en con- tra del otro, comprendidas en la. Convenei6n General de Reclama- ciones celebrada el 8 de septiem- bre de 1923 entre los dos Gobier- nos y registradas de aeuerdo eon la. misma; I NOTE BY TilE DEPARTMENT OF STATE: The text (If the Protocol between the Cnite'l States of America and Mexieo relative to general claims. signed April 24. 11134, which was I.rinted in Volume 48 of the United States Statutes at Large. page.~ 1!!44-1854 , is reprinted here to~etber with the Presiflent's proclamation and the exchange of notes which were signed on l'ebruary I, lW5. lifter the publication of Volume {l$ of the United States Statutes at Large. 3531 l'lenl poteutlaries.