Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1538

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3544 MILITARY MISSION-BRAZIL. ARTICLE 2. This Mission shall continue for two years from the date of the signing of this agree- ment by the accredited represen- tatives of the Governments of the United States of America and of the United States of Brazil. AUTICLE 3. If the Government of Brazil should desire that the service of the Mission should be extended, in whole or in part, beyond the period stipulated, a proposal to that effect must be made six months before the ex- piration of this agreement. ARTICLE 4. If it should be necessary, in the interest of either one of the two Governments, that the present contract or its exten- sion be terminated before the time specified, the Government so desiring must give notice to the other three months in advance. AUTICLE 5. It is herein stipulat- ed and agreed that while the Mis- sion shall be in operation under this agreement, or under an exten- sion thereof, the Government of Brazil will not engage the services of any.Mission or personnel of any other foreign government for the duties and purposes contemplated by this agreement. TITLE II COMPOSITION AND PERSONNEL ARTICLE 6. The Mission will be composed of two officers of the Coast Artillery Arm of the Army of the United States of America, a Lieutenant Colonel and a Major or a Captain, who have special- ized in coast artillery, one in the technique of firing and the other in tactical organization, prefer- ably officers who have had active service or officers experienced in teaching, so that they may serve ARTIGO 2. Esta MissM durars dois aDOS a partir da data da assinatura deste acordo pelos representantes autorizados dos Govemos dos Estados Unidos da America e dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. ARTIGO 3. Se 0 Governo do Brasil desej ar que 0 servir;o da Missao se prolongue, no todo ou em parte, alem do periodo estipu- lado, uma proposta para ~sse fim deve ser feita seis meses antes do termo deste acordo. AnTIGO 4. Se for necessario, no interesse de qualquer dos dois Govemos, que 0 presente contrato ou seu prolongamento termine antes do tempo especificado, 0 Govcmo que 0 desejar devera notificar 0 outro tres meses antes. ARTIGO 5. ~ aqui estipulado e acordado que, enquanto a Missilo funcionar sob este acordo, ou prolongamento dele, 0 Govcr- no do Brasil nao contratara os serviQos de qualquer MissM ou pessoal de qualquer outro Governo estrangeiro para as func;oes e fins tratauos nestc acordo. TITULO II COMPOSI~.A.O E PESSOAL ARTIGO 6. A Missao compor. se-a de dois oficiais da Anna de Artilharia de Costa do Exercit~ dos Estados U nidos da America, urn tenente coronel e urn major ou urn cnpitao, especializados em artilharia de costa, um em tecnica do tiro e outro em organizac;ao tatica, de preferencia oficiais ar· regimentados ou que tenham pd,· tica de ensino, afim de servirem como instrutores no Centro de