Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1545

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MILITARY MISSION-BRAZIL. the deceased should be a member of the Mission, the Brazilian Government shall pay the ex- penses of the travel of the family and the transportation of all their effects to New York. ARTICLE 31. In case of substi- tution for a member of the Mis- sion, all the clauses of this agree- ment, except in cases of express provisions to the contrary, shall apply to the substitute, including those specified in Articles 13 and 15. ARTICLE 32. IN FAITH WHERE- OF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, sign the prcsp,nt con- tract in two texts, each one in the English and Portuguese languages, at Washington, the tenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four. contratados, 0 Gov~rno Brasileiro pagara as despesas de viagem da familia e transporte de objetos ate Nova-York. ARTIGO 31. No caso de subs- titui~ao de urn membro da Mis- aio, todas as clausulas d~ste ac6rdo, exceto no caso de dis- posi~io expressa em contrario, se apJicarao 0.0 substituido, inclusive as especificadas nos artigos 13 e 15. ARTIGO 32. EM TESTEMUNHO DO QUE, os abaixo assinados, de- vidnmente autorizados, assinam o presente contrato em dois textos cada urn nos idiomas ingl~s e portugu~s, em W ashing- ton, no din. dez de maio de mil novecentos trinta e quatro. CORDELL HULL Secretary oj State [SEAL} of the United States of America. R. DE LIMA E SILVA [SEAL] Ambassador Extraordinary and PlenipotentiaMJ of the United States of Braz'il. [No. 64] 3551