Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1553

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-CUBA. 3559 Agreement and exchange 01 notes between the United States oj America _~A~u~t 24, 193~ and Cuba respecting rec1,procal trade. Signed at Washington, August 24-, 1934-; proclaimed by the President of the United States, August 24-, 1934-; proclaimed by the President of Cuba, August 30, 1934-; effective September 3, 1934-. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION W IFnklinDR It P 'd t f th U 'ted ](cdprocal trade HEREAS, , ra . ooseve, resl en 0 em 11""'- . ':11 at. pfr., with States of America, have, on August 24, 1934, pursuant to and in c~!~~;lalhle. accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved Vol. -1~, II. 1143 . June 12, 1934, entitled "An Act to Amend the Tariff Act of 1930", entered into a Trade Agreement, with two attached Schedules, with the President of the Republic of Cuba, which Agreement and Schedules in the English and Spanish languages are in words and figures as follows: The President of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the Republic of Cuba, de- sirous of strengthening the tra- ditional bonds of friendship and commerce between their respec- tive countries by maintaining as the basis for their commercial re- lations the granting of reciprocal preferential treatment, in con- tinuation of the poli~y adopted in the Convention of Commercial Reciprocity of 1902 between the two countries, and taking into consideration that changed condi- tions have rendered it necessary to modify the provisions of that Convention, have arrived at the following Agreement: ARTICLE I During_ the term of this Agree- ment, all articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America which would have been admitted free of duty if imported into the Republic of Cuba on the day of sirature of this Agreement, and al articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Republic El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Am~rica y el Prcsidcnte de la Republica de Cuba, descosos de estrechar los lazos tradicio- nales de amistad y comercio entre sus respectivos paises, mante- nicndo como base de sus relacio- nes comerciales la concesi6n de un tratamiento recfproco prefe- rencial, continuando asi la poli- tics adoptada en la Convenci6n de Reciprocidad Comercial de 1902 entre ambos pataes, y to- mando en consideraci6n que el cambio de condiciones, de8de entonces, hs hecho necesario va- riar las disposiciones de aquella Convcnci6n, han llegsdo al si- guiente Acuerdo: ARTfcULO I Dursnte Is vigencis de este Convenio, todos los articulos cosechados, producidos 0 fabri- cados en los Estados Unidos de Am~rics que hubieren sido admi- tidos libres de derechos de adus- na si se hubieren importado en Is Republica de Cuba en el dis de la. firma. de este Convenio, y todos los articulos cosechados, l'urpo' - f'S uec·Jared. Vol. 3:i, p. 21~t:. f'roo Ibl ('onfillllC'L