Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1594

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3600 Scbedule I.-Contin· ued. RECIPROCAL TRADE-CUBA. T::: I Description of Articles \ Column 1 IColumn 2


' 152-C Manufactured on a base of bisu)phite pulp, weigh- ing not less than 10 grams per square meter, cOmJIlonly known as manila paper, fiber paper and cellulose paper; and glassine paper, T _____ _ ___________________________________ 100]{gs__ NOTE: The papers of this sub-Item C, imported for wrapping fruits, with watermarks or pressure- marks, indicating their use, shall only be dutiable at 50% of the duties specified. 152-D Manufactured on a base of ground wood pulp, in a proportion of not less than 70 % thereof and 30 % of bisulphite, weighing not less than 50 nor tnore than 60 grams per square lIleter, not glazed, i---- 30% 3.50 commoJlly known as newsprint,T ______ IOO Kgs __ ' 30% 2.80 152-E 152-H 152-J NOTE: When paper of sub-Iteln 152-D is im- ported by newspaper companies expressly for the printing of their newspapers, and provided they make oath before the Collector of Customs in the manner specified by the Treasury Department, it shall be exempt from customs duties. Manufactured on a base of bisulphite or soda pulp, without ground wood pulp, or with a proportion of the latter not in excess of 30%; weighing not less than 60 nor more than 130 grams per square meter, such as sulphite bond and paper commonly known as paper for books, illustrated papers and I lithography, T ---- ___ -- ___ - -- - _- - ___ 100 KgS--1 NOTE: The paper of sub-Item 152-E, when im- ported to be used exclusively in illustrated papers .a nd magazines, shall be exempt from duty; when imported to be used exclusively in the manufacture of printed books, it shall pay 50 % of the duty speci- fied under this sub-Item. The Secretary of the Treasury shall issue the rules he may consider proper covering applications for the benefits of this note. The paper specified in sub-Item G of this Item, not containing flax, pulp-sized only, commonly known as writing paper, T ___________ 100 Kgs__ NOTE: All importers of writing paper of the kinds covered by sub-Item 152-H, shall submit with the corresponding cllstoms declaration the invoice containing the sworn statement of the I manufacturer or shipper as to whether or not the pulp of the paper in question contains flax. ! Other continuous papers not made-up, not spe-I ! cifically classified, T _________________ 100 Kgs __ 30% 3. 50 40% 4. 80 4070 4.80