Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1645

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MILITARY FORCES, WITHDRA'VAL-HAITI. ARTICLE II The Marine Brigade of the United States and the American Scientific Ivfission-, established by the Accord of August 5, 1931, will be withdrawn a fortnight later. ARTICLE III The provisions of the present arrangement modify the stipula- tions contained in Articles 1, II and V of the accord of August 7, 1933. Signed at Port-au-Prince in du- plicate in the English and French languages this twenty-fourth day of july, 1934. N ORMAN ARMOUR [SEAL] ARTICLE II La Brigade de :Marines des Etats-Unis et la Mission Scienti- fique Americaine, etablie par l'ac- cord du 5 aotit 1931, seront re- tirees dans la quinzaine suivante. ARTICLE III Les dispositions du present arrangement modifient les stipu- lations contenues dans les articles I,IIetVdel'Accorddu7aout 1933. Fait en double exemplaire en anglais et fran<;ais, a Port-au - Prince, Ie vingt-quatre juillet 1934. LEON LALEAU [SEAL] [No. 68] IIJ.!1I1l)O-:{H-} ·T 11-102 3651 Vol. 48. pp. 1776. 1777 .