Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1654

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3660 AnneL REGISTRATION OF TREATIES. not Members of the League in the "League of Nations Treaty Series" in the same category and with the same promptitude as treaties registered by the Member States. c) Such registration would result in the elimination of the delay in the publication of instruments 'Which may hitherto have been caused by the suspension of publication of treaties sent to the Sec- retariat by the United States until appropriate notification had been made to the interested Member States. If the United States requested registration of a treaty, such reg- istration would be effected at once and the treaty be published in the same manner as though it had been presented by a Member State. Since registered treaties are published in the order of reg- istration, the exact date at which a treaty appears in the Treaty Series necessarily depends on the progress made in producing the Series. d) Such registration would not involve an obligation on the part of the United States to pay any charges or expenses. I should perhaps add that under the memorandum approved by the Council, the instruments which the Secretariat registers com- prise "not only every formal Treaty of whatsoever character and every International Convention, but also any other International Engagement or Act by which nations or their Governments intend to establish legal obligations between themselves and another State, Nation, or Government". I am, Dear Mr. Gilbert, Yours very sincerely, H. McKINNON 'VOOD, Acting Legal Adviser of the Secretariat. Mr. PRENTISS B. GILBERT, United State8 Con8'Ulate, Rue du Mont Blanc, Geneva. [Enclosure] ANNEX c!'~ph me!!')rs~! PARAGRAPH 13 OF MEMORANDUM APPROVED BY COUNCIL ON MAY 19TH, dnm 01 May 19, 1920. 1920. French text. French tewt: "13. Dans cet ordre d'idees, on a suggere de developper des l'or- igine Ie syswme d'enregistrement des traites par Ie Secretariat de la Societe des Nations, de te11e maniere qu'il comprenne aussi l'enregis- trement des traites, etc., conclus entre des Etats ou des collectivites qui n'auraient pas encore ew admis comme Membres de la Societe des Nations. On compieterait ainsi Ie systeme d'enregistrement des traiws, et la collection des traiws publiee dans la section des "TraiMs" du Journal Officiel de la Societe des Nations. Bien qu'il s'agisse dans ce cas d'un enregistrement (lntierement facultatif, Ie Secretaire general propose d'accepter les demandes d'enregistrement des traites meme au cas ott aucune des parties ne serait au moment de Ia demande Membre de Ia Societe des' Nations.