Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1680

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SCHEDULE I-Continued Numbers of ~he I Name of Commodity Unit of Collection ~~I ' Applicable rate B. From 91 to 100 prunes____ - __________________ -----_ ----- -- _--- __ -- _1 - - - -4 -0. - 0 0- C. More than 100 prunes_________________ ----- _-,- - ______ ___


30.00 2. Otherwise, having per half-kilogramme:

A. Up to 90 prunes_______ - ---------- - - ------- - -1- --- ---- --- -- -------- -i 99 b) 118 190 196 212 ex 214 ex 219 b) 2. 3. a) 2. B. From 91 to 100 prunes_______________________ .______________________ 1 C. Morethan100prunes_______--_----_------___1______________________ , I<'ruits not specifically rated, dried _____________ II00 kgs. gross weight __ Gums, gum-resins and resins: Other Crude or purified Turpentine ______________________________________ _ Not specified____ . ______________ _____________ _____________________ _ Mineral tal', from the distillation of coaL ____________________________ _ Paraffin ________________________ ____________ 100 kgs. gros::: ________ _ Meat, not specified, merely cooked, smoked or salted, imported otherwise than in boxes, jars, crusts or other similar packing: Of pig 75. 00 55. 50 37. 50 34. 50 Free Freet Free Free Other____________________________________________________________ 1 __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Canned pork tongue _________________________ /lOO kgs. net WeighL __ 1 90.0011 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs preserved in any way, imported in boxes. jars, crusts or other ! Pi:~:~!~:TarmstroBot (talk) 18:43, 19 November 2014 (UTC)i~~_____ . ___ . _________________ .1100 kgs. net________ • _ 34. 50 Koo .,. j T i~. Annual quotas Bllowed to be im' ported into the Helgo·Luxem· burg Economic Union 100 percent of the average of the imports during t he years 1929 to 1933 ~ m ~ ~ ~ Q ""d ~·0 > ~ ~ ~tj !trj ~ o o 8~trj ~ t:: d St%j o o z o ~~ o I'j z~ c z.