Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1738

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3744 RECIPROCAL TR.\DE-HAITI. MARCH 28, 1935. Police or s8uitary regulations. Gold or silver CApor· tation. Laws, regula! iOIl', and decisions to be published. Uniform SPpli{'1tiOll. enless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, the provisions thereof shall not be construed to apply to police or sanitary regulations; and nothing in this Agreement shall be con- strued to prevent the adoption of measures prohibiting or restrict- ing the exportation of gold or silver. ARTICLE VIII Laws, regulations of adminis- trative authorities and decisions of administrative or judicial au- thorities of the United States of America and the Republic of Haiti, respectively, pertaining to the classification of articles for customs purposes or to rates of duty shall be published promptly in such a. manner as to enable traders to become acquainted with them. Such laws, regula- tions and decisions shall be ap- plied ul}iformly at all ports of the respective country, except as otherwise specifically provided in statutes of the United States of America relating to articles Im- ported into Puerto Rico. Noretroactiverulin!; No ad..... inistrative ruling by the effecting advsnces. .u.u. United States of America or the Republic of Haiti effecting ad- vances in rates of duties or charges applicable under an es- tablished and uniform practice to imports originating in the terri- tory of the other country, or im- posing any new requirement with respect to such importations, shall be effective retroactivelv or with respect to articles either entered for or withdrawn for consumption prior to the expiration of thirty days after the date of publication of notice of such ruling in the And-dumpingduUes. usual official manner. The provi- sions of this paragraph do not ap- ply to administrative orders un- posing anti-dumping duties.•. or relating to regulations for· ~he protection of human, animal; or plant life, or relating to public safety, or giving effect to judicia] decisions. A moins que spccifiquement il n'en solt stipule autremcnt, les articles de la prcsente Con- vention ne s'appliqueront pas aux reglements de police, ni aux reglements sanitaires; ct elle n'em- l)echera, en quoi que ce soit, 'adoption des mesures prohibant ou restreignant l'exportation de l'or ou de l'argent. ARTICLE VIn Les lois, reglements des au- toritcs administratives et les de- cisions des autorites ndminis- tratives ou judiciaires des Etats- Unis d'Amerique et de la Re- publique d'Haiti, respectivement, concernant la classification de~ articles, conformement au tarif douanier, ou Ie taux des droits, seront publics avec diligence, de mnniere a mettre les commer~ants en mesure de se familiariser avec eux. De tels lois, reglements et decisions seront appliques d'une maniere uniforme dans tous les ports des deux pays respective- ment a l'exception de ceux spe- cialement prevus dans les lois des Etats-Unis d'Amerique comme devant S't.ppliquer aux articles importes a Puerto-Rico. Aucun reglement administratif des Etats-Unis d'Amerique ou de In Republique d'Haiti relatif a une augmentation dans Ie tallx d'une taxe ou d'un droit per~u d'apres une pratique constante, sur les importntions originaires du territoire de l'autre days, ou etilb- lissant une nouvelle exigence it l'egard de telles importations, n'aura un effet ret.roactif, on it l'egard d'art-icles entres ou retires pour In consommation avant l'ex- piration de trente jours aprcs Ill. dnte de la publication d'un t('l reglement de 1ft. maniere ofIieiel1e accoutumee. Les stipulations d(' ce parngraphe ne s'nppliquent pas nux C'rdres ndministratifs etab- lissant des droits anti-dumping, ou relatifs nux reglements pour Ill. protection de Ia vie humsine, smimale Oll vegetale 0' . 1 relntifs ~L In securite puhliquc, on lIwtt.ant en vigucur les dcci::;ions juoicinires.