Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1760

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3766 RECIPROCAL TRADE-S'VEDEX. ~IA Y 2:"), 1935. of its intention to do so, and shall afford such other Government an opportunity within thirty days after receipt of such notice to consult with it in respect of the proposed action; and if an agree- ment with respect thereto is not reached within thirty days fol- lowing receipt of the aforesaid notice, the Government which proposes to take such action shall be free to do so at any time there- after, and the other Government shall be free within fifteen days 're rminafiollorAv;ree- after such action is taken to ter- menlo minate this Agreement in its en- tirety on thirty days' written notice. ARTICLE XV Approval. The present Agreement shall be approved by the President of the United States of America and ratified by His Majesty the King of Sweden with the consent of the Riksdag. Effecti'/cdate. The Agreement shall come into full force on the thirtieth day after the exchange at Stockholm of the instruments of approval and ratification, and shall remain in force for the term of three years Ante, pp . 3762, 3765 . thereafter, unless terminated pur- suant to the provisions of Article VII, Article X, or Article XIV. Duration. Unless at least six months before the expiration of the afore- said term of three years the Government of either country shall have given to the other Government notice of intention to terminate the Agreement upon the expiration of the aforesaid term, the Agreement shall remain in force thereafter, subject to termination under the provisions of Article VII, Article X, or Article XIV, until six months from such time as the Govern- ment of either country shall have given notico to the other Government. samt bereda denna tillfalle att inom trettio da~ar efter motta- gandet av dylikt meddelande radgora med den forra regeringen betraffande den ifrAgasatta at- garden. Darest enighet med av- seende a denna icke nAB inom trettio dagar efter mottagandet av nyssnamnda meddelande, skaU den regaring, som avser att vidtaga Atgiird av angivet slag, aga frihet att nar som heIst darefter genomfora densamma, varvid den andra regeringen skaU aga frihet att inom femton dagar efter det att atgarden blivit ge- nomford bringa denna overens- kommelse i sin helhet att upphO- ra vid utgangen av trettio dagar fran den dag, skriftlig uppsag- ningskett. AHTIKEL XV Denna overenskommelse skall gillas av Amerikas Forenta Sta- ters President samt ratificeras av Hans 11ajestat Konungen av Sveriga med Riksdagens god- kannande. 6verenskommelsen skall trada i kraft a trettionde dagen efter utviixlingen i Stockholm av stad- fastalsehandlingarna och sksU, savida den icke bringas att upp- horajamlikt bestammelsernaiarti- klarna 7, 10 eller 14, forbliva i kraft under en tid av tre ilr. Savida icke regeringen i ettdera landet minst sex manader fore utgangen av namnda tid av tre ar delgivit regeringen i det andra landet sin avsikt att bringa over- enskommelsen att upphora vid utgangen ay sagda tid, skall overenskommelsen, med forbe- hAll for dess upphorande jamlikt bestiimmelserna i artiklarna 7, 10 eller 14, forbliva i kraft intill utgAngen av sex manader, raknat fran den dag, dA regeringen i ett- dera landet uppsagt densamma.