Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1778

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3784 RECIPROCAL TRADE-SWEDEN. MAY 2;>, 19at). WHEREAS the said Agreement has been formally approved and confirmed by me by virtue of the said Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the said Act of June 12, 1934, and has been ratified by His Majesty the King of Sweden, and the instrument of approval and confirma- tion and the instrument of ratification were, in accordance with t\ ... trde.I)· 37r.; . provision of Article XV of the said Agreement, exchanged at the city of Stockholm on the sixth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five; WHEREAS, in accordance with a further provision of the said Article XV, the Agreement will enter into full force on the thirtieth day after the said exchange, that is to say on the fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five; WHEREAS such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions and such continuances of existing customs and excise treatment as are set forth and provided for in the said Agreement and the two Schedules thereunto annexed are required and appro- priate to carry out the said Agreement: 19:00, 19 November 2014 (UTC)~~o~o.\,; \',,1. N.ow, THERE~.oRE, I,.Franklin D. Rooseve~t, President of the Uni~d 4S, p. ~4:L States of AmerICa, actmg under the authonty conferred by the SaId Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the said Act of June 12, 1934, do hereby proclaim the said Agreement, including the said Schedules, to the end that the whole and every part thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States .of America and the citizens thereof on and from the fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five. Pursuant to the proviso in Section 350 (a) (2) of the said Tariff Act of 1930, as amended by the said Act of June 12,1934, I shall from time to time notify the Secretary of the Treasury of the countries with re- spect to which application of the duties herein proclaimed is to be suspended. IN TESTIM.oNY WBEREoO~', I hereunto set my hlmd and cause the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed. DoONE at the city of Washington this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty- [SEAL] five and of the Independence of the Unjted States of Amer- ica the one hundred and sixtieth. By the President: C.oRDELL HULL Secretary oj State. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT [No. 79]